The article which appeared in these columns on August 16th
seems to have attracted a good deal of attention on the part of the public, and also on the part of Building Societies them- selves. The following letter has been addressed to us by the Chairman of the Halifax Building Society :— 8m,—May I, as a building society official, express my thanks to you for the articldin yourissue of the 16th ultimo upon the subject of "Building Societies and the Public"? I have read the article with great interest and appreciation, and I know that it will be appreciated also by a great multitude of people throughout the country interested in the subject, as well as by directors and officials of building societies. I should like to confirm the strong point that you have made upon the provision and the safeguards that have been set up against any loss frcm investmenta in building societies, and particularly that all withdrawals should be met without disturbing or depreciating the interests of the general investors.
(Continued on page 824.)