The Revenue Accounts for the year and quarter are in
that balanced state which enables commentators to describe them as "satisfactory" or " unsatisfactory" at pleasure. On the quarter, the Customs show an in- crease of 200,0001.; the Excise, a decrease of 180,0001.; the nett de- crease of the whole quarter is 264,0001. On the year, the oscillation is a little wider. Excise shows a decrease of 720,0001., and Property-tax 140,000/.; but then Income-tax collectors are indulgent; and the check to railway speculation has checked the consumption of spirits, beer, and bricks. On the other hand, there is a bouncing increase in Customs, of 1,170,0001. The nett increase of the whole year is 867,0001. Mat- ters are mending, it seems; but we do not see that the tables establish any very striking conclusions.