The Arts.
SUFFOLK STREET EXHIBITION. THE Society of British Artists displays this year a collection on the whole maintaining the level of last year, but it impresses us as being less......
Humphreys's Botanical Illustrations.
Mr. Noel Humphreys brings the skill and taste of a competent artist to the task of illustrating Mrs. Loudon's descriptive•catalogue of annuals and perennials in The Ladies'......
The Free Exhibition.
The Free Exhibition at Hyde Park Corner, which last year seemed to be only an experiment, now takes its place among the regular annuals. It affords another wide opportunity for......
Dr. Auzoux's Anatomical Models.
At the Cosmorama Rooms also is exhibited a series of models illustrating the anatomy of the human form, with some specimens of comparative anatomy, on the natural scale, and......
Cathedral Of Cologne.
A fine model of Cologne Cathedral is exhibited at the Cosmorama Rooms. It is of considerable dimensions, the spires running to a height of some feet; so that a distinct idea of......
Portraits Of Sir Charles Napier.
Mr. M`Lettn is exhibiting an oil-painting of Sir Charles Napier, by Mr. Smart, an artist who practises in India. The style is dry and hard, but spirited and lifesome, distinct,......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, April 3.-34th Foot-Asaist.-Surg. G. W. Powell, from the let West India Regt. to be Assist: Sorg. vice D'Arcey, appointed to the 87th Foot. 435 Foot- Assist.-Surg. J.......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, April 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Baker and Moore, Great Yarmouth, Unendrapers-Brown and Christmas, Lancelot Place, Brompton, coach-painters-James and Seymour, Ross,......