6 APRIL 1944, Page 13


SIR,—Briefly in reply to Mr. J. W. Dulanty:

(a) " Irish now hard at work for Britain." Surely not for Britain, but for themselves, as in the past sixty years. If working for Britain many of these workers would be in the Army with their voluntarily joined countrymen.

(2) " More than £45,000,000 value in foodstuffs exported to Britain since the war." What other market has she?

(3) How does Mr. Dulanty account for the non-sinking of Allied vessels carrying foodstuffs to Eire?

(4) Why should an Eire vessel require convoy? If engaged in carrying foodstuffs to Eire, Germany would not sink any, of the half-dozen Eire ocean-going vessels flying the flag of that country. (5) Neither Eire nor any other neutral country would willingly allow its bases to be used for attack on the Allies, but Eire did not allow for defence purposes any of the bases handed over to her by Britain. This would have meant the saving of many vessels and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives.

(6) What would Eire's position be were it not for Britain?—Yours

sincerely, LIVINGSTONE HOLMES. Hantsport, Lightigot Lane, Heswall, Wirral.