Little Reviews Anthology. By Denys Val Baker. (allen And Um,
Ss. 6d.) IN Mr. Val Baker's competent account of the little review sinc 1914 he claims that they reflect the spirit of a literary period f more accurately than the popular......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS IN happier days a revenue total of £3,038,000,000, no less than LI31,000,000 above the Chancellor's estimate, would have conjured up visions of remissions of taxation.......
Judaea Lives Again. By Norman Bentwich. (gollancz. 8s....
BEhrrwtat was for some years Attorney-General of Palestine and has since 1932 held the Chair of International Rela- tions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has set......
We Have Here A Translation Of The First Part Of
the memoirs of a Russian soldier who began his career as an officer in. the Tsar's Chevalier Guards and who is now a general in the Red Army. This part deals with his early life......