for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct ,elution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, 4pni ash. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and uurst bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 254. stamp. Solutions muse be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. The last joint on which to feast the prodigal. (4, 8.)
8. Where there appears to be a common - supply of offal. (9.) 9. A French word and another. (5.) . Dress. (6.)
12. When we reach it, time is not on
our side. (3, 5.) 14. Bury bodies. (to.) s6. The weapon of defeat. (4.) 18. Foreign butter substitute. (4.)
19. Baby-carriage works? (6, 4.)
21. Engraves. (Anag.) (8.) 22. A slap-up sort of bar, one might say. (6.)
25. Shoot for a youngster. (5.)
26. Baba dotty. (9.) 27. " I have eaten your bread and salt " begins the prelude to these ditties. (12.)
1. Taken by the discreet. (5.) 2. Ornithological harpy? (8.) 3. It rivals the weather in conversation.
4. Glory boat I find in this. (so.) 5. Sir Peter the painter comes down about orning. (6.) 6. One hasmn't prepared for such speak- ing. (9.)
I. Evidently not Hereward's trousers. (a, 4-) to. Godparents' chat, one might think. (6, 6.) 13. The lion's share is to advise break- ing the engagement. (6, 4.)
15. Irene makes an orange with a gnat. (9.)
17. Fit for food. (8.) 20. Age and confusion are the items in it. -(6.)
23. " Yes, I am a- man, Madame Fribsbi." (Thackeray.) (5.) 24. Languishing tree. (4.)