7 AUGUST 1847, Page 9


Active preparations are making at Portsmouth for the Queen's voyage to Scotland. The following are the latest particulars.

The present arrangement is that her Majesty shall embark at Cowes on the 10th instant in the Victoria and Albert yacht. "A pilot is ordered to be in readi- ness to take charge of her at the Land's End; when Captain Beechey, of the Firefly, Surveying-officer in the Irish Channel, will join, and remain in her until the yacht gets to Loch Ryan, near Port Patrick. At that place Captain Robin- son, of the Shearwater, Surveying-officer on the coast of Scotland, is to join and continue until her Majesty arrives at Fort William. It is expected that her Ma- jesty will make part of the voyage through the Menai Straits; and Captain Fra- ser, the Superintendent of Packets at Pembroke, is ordered to have two steamers ready coaled, &c., and on the look-out for the squadron; one of them to be off St. Ann's Head, and lead the yacht through Cardigan Bay to the entrance of the Straits. If it should be night, she is to burn a blue light every ten minutes. It is not expected the Fairy will be able to get through some parts of the Caledonian Canal; and a small steamer is therefore preparing for the reception of the Royal party; but, excepting the pilots and some of the engineers, the officers and engineers of the Royal yacht will be in command. The route of the squadron will be from Cowes, down Channel, and round the Land's End, taking a fresh departure from thence to St. Ann's Head, off Milford, through St. George's Channel and the Westward of Cale digan Bay to Caernarvon; pass between the island of Anglesey and Bangor into the Menai Straits, and, having cleared Ormes Head, shape a course across the Irish Sea, passing the Isle of Man, (either East or West, as most convenient,) for Port Patrick, and entering Scotland off Loch Ryan. Her Majesty intends to visit the Clyde in her route." The Royal party will proceed to Dumbarton Castle in the Fairy; rejoining the Victoria and Albert at Greenock. "On Saturday her Majesty will start early, go up Loch Loog, thence through the Kyles of Bute to Ardrisbaig in Loch Fine, and probably to Inverary. She will return to Ardrishaig on Monday; go through the Crinan Canal, and embark on board the Victoria and Albert, which will have gone round the Mull of Kintyre at West Crinan, and thence proceed to Fort William."

The following strange paragraph is given by the Universal German Gazette of the 29th July as an extract of a letter from Warsaw- " The abdication of a certain illustrious personage is considered as certain to be shortly made. This report is said to be connected with the financial affair which made so deep a sensation a few months ago. It is thought this august personage will pass the remainder of his days in Italy. It is not expected that this event will make any change in the law of succession to the throne. The august personage is unquestionably suffering greatly." [The Morning Chronicle has reason to believe that this refers to the Emperor Nicholas.] Intelligence has been received from Cape Coast Castle of the death of Captain George Maclean, best known to the public as the husband of L. E. L. He died on the 22d of May. Captain Maclean entered the Army early in life; served in the Waterloo campaign; and for many years filled the post of President of the Council appointed to rule the various establish- ments at Cape Coast. In this position he reestablished British power, and succeeded in gaining immense influence with the Native states. Subse- quently, the Colonial Office reduced Captain Maclean to the position of Judicial Assessor; a post which he occupied at the time of his death. Mr. Cobden appears to be quite a lion at Berlin. He has bad more than one audience of the King, and an interview with the Prince of Prussia. On the last day of July Mr. Cobden was present at an entertainment given in the Mielentz Hall, in honour of his visit to the city: the goodly company included several of the civil magistrates, professors, and members of the University.

Mr. Augustus Stafford O'Brien, the late and present Member for North Northamptonshire, has obtained the Queen's permission to assume the name of Stafford only.

Mr. Pettigrew, the archaeologist, addresses the following information to the Times on a subject which is just now occupying public attention—

"The anxiety so generally felt in regard to the possession of the house in which Shakspere was born, induces me to acquaint you, that a general bletropo- titan Committee is now in the course of formation to secure it to the country; and that Lord Morpeth has consented to be President, and Lord Ellesmere Vice- President.

" His Royal Highness Prince Albert has graciously accepted the position of patron of the Royal Shakspere Club, and most liberally subscribed 2501. to its funds. The Club have already negotiated for, and purchased a portion of, the property in Henley Street, embracing part of the birthplace of Shakspere, that portion which was separated from the adjoining house in 1771. • "Under such auspices, and with such zeal, it is clear that the object so ar- dently desired by every lover of English literature will be accomplished; and no doubt can be entertained that with such a committee, and in accordance with the suggestions which appeared in your journal and the propositions made by the Bri. fish Archaeological Association at their meeting held in the Town-hall of Strat- ford-upon-Avon on Thursday the 22d of July, the arrangements will be carried out in the most satisfactory manner."

The Committee of Council have issued, through their Secretary, an ex- planatory letter to the Inspectors of Schools, on the various questions re- lating to the administration of grants under the minutes of August and December 1846 and July 1847. The letter leans to a liberal construction of the minutes; and although consisting principally of details, some of the points are deserving of notice, as showing the general spirit of the instruc- tions. The Inspectors are requested to avail themselves of every oppor- tunity to inform teachers and scholars what are the advantages which the Government has placed within their reach. In order to insure impartiality in the selection of scholars for apprenticeship, it is left to the Inspectors to determine their comparative intellectual qualifications. The local author- ities are to be the arbiters of the moral and religious character of the ap- prentices. Practically, therefore, the Inspectors and the local authorities must concur in the recommendation of the candidate for the office of pupil- teacher or stipendiary monitor. Each school is to furnish its own pupil- teachers and stipendiary monitors. The Inspectors are directed, when several schools applying for apprentices lie within a moderate distance of a town, to " take down the names of the most eligible scholars, and appoint a day on which they may be assembled with other candidates from neigh- bouring schools, in order that their comparative qualifications may be determined by an examination in accordance with their Lordships' minutes." It is provided that candidates must not be liable to any bodily infirmity likely to impair their usefulness as pupil-teachers.

In the appropriation of grants for school buildings, it is explained that no grants will be made in respect of schools held in rooms under churches or chapels. Trustees or managers who have guaranteed the payment of a stipend may reimburse themselves from the school pence to the extent of one half the salary which must be paid to the teacher as a condition of a Government grant. The instruction required is comprehensive- " Besides the examination in religious instruction, which is in England con- fined to Church of England schools, the pupil-teachers will, at the close of the fifth year of their apprenticeship, have been examined- " In English grammar and composition: "In general geography; the use of the globes, and in the geography of the British empire and Europe, as connected with the outlines of English history: "In English history: "In decimal arithmetic and the higher rules of mental arithmetic: "In bookkeeping: "In the elements of mechanics: "In mensuration: "In the elements of land-surveying and levelling. "In the rudiments of algebra: "In the composition of the notes of a lesson; of an account of the organization of the school and the methods of instruction used, and of an essay on some sub- ject connected with the art of teaching: "In their skill in the management of any class under instruction, and in their ability to give a gallery lesson : "Probably also in vocal music, and in drawing from models. "Such being the subjects in which the pupil-teachers will have been examined before the close of their apprenticeship, no master ought to obtain their Lordships' third or lowest certificate who is not prepared to show an accurate knowledge or skill in all these departments, and in such others as may appear, in England or in Scotland, required by the present state of the parochial and other schools." Schoolmasters in Scotland have generally an adjunct office either as ses- sion clerk, heritors' clerk, collectors of parochial assessment, or inspectors of the poor. These offices are not to be retained in conjunction with an augmented salary, except in the case of the office of session-clerk, where the duties occupy no part of the school-hours; and in that of heritors' Clerk in parishes which contain less than 400 inhabitants, and in which Consequently the duties are very light.

The Morning Chronicle explains the probable mode of dealing with the case of Baron Lionel de Rothschild- " The well-known case of Mr. Pease, the first Quaker Member of the House of Commons, in the year 1833, supplies a precedent, the principle of which Deems completely applicable to the case of Baron Rothschild. The honourable Member for London will, we persume, on the usual oaths being tendered to him at the table of the House, decline, as did his Quaker predecessor, to swear in the Usual form; intimating, at the same time, his perfect readiness to take the oaths in question according to the form prescribed by his own creed, and recognized as

valid and sufficient in every court of justice in the kingdom. The Clerk wall of course refer the matter to the Speaker, and the Speaker will take the sense of the House. There cannot be a moment's doubt as to what the sense of the House would be under such circumstances. The question would be simply and purely a judicial one; and no House of Commons, probably no individual member of the House, would dream of dealing with it in any other than a judi- cial temper. In the case of the Quaker Member for Durham, it will be remembered that Mr. C. W. Wynn's motion for accepting a solemn affirmation and declara- tion,' in lien of the customary form of oath, was carried without a word of con- tradiction,' amidst loud cheers from all parts of the House.'"

A correspondent of the Daily News gives the following anecdote of elec- tioneering activity among the Liberals of Essex-

" In one contest, where it appeared there would probably be a close run, a sea- man, a ten-pound voter, was found to be absent with his vessel; and it was un- certain whether he was at Havre or Antwerp. A young girl, one of his daughters,

of her own accord, and quite unknown to the Liberal candidate or his committee, determined to fetch him. All she asked was to be driven over to the railway sta- tion, to meet the third-class train. On reaching London, she went to the station of the Dover Railway; there a clerk, with great civility, advised her to go by Southampton. So ehe went on to Nine-elms. On reaching Southampton, she found a packet just sailing. At Havre, having hired a guide who understood English, she searched the quay till she found her father and his ship, and brought him home."

The allusions recently made by Mr. Wakley at the Finsbury nomination to Mr. Samuel Warren, the barrister and novelist, has elicited from that gentleman a temperate denial of the accusation respecting the Hounslow inquest-

" Though I conceive it no discredit to be related to a gentleman in the position of Dr. Warren of the Seventh Hussars, I beg to assure you and your readers that I never bad the honour of any acquaintance or intercourse whatever with that gentleman; am no relation of his; and never saw or even beard of him, except as my client, when I was instructed in the ordinary way, to move for a criminal in- formation against Mr. Wakley. Nor had I then the remotest idea of being solicited to stand for Finsbury. I discharged a strict professional duty only upon the occasion in question; and thought it probable that, as Mr. Wakley had long beforehand had the ordinary written notice of the intended application to the Court, he would have appeared to show cause against the rule in the first in- stance, as be had a right to do. I know nothing personally of Mr. Wakley; never having ever seen him, except once at a distance, when addressing a crowd."

A report of Mr. Roebuck's leave-taking speech at Bath, fuller, more es- pecially on the conduct of the leading Dissenters of that town, than the report we copied from the Tunes last week, has appeared in the Standard and other journals. The following is new to our readers-

" I go from you, a member of the Church of England; and mind, Dissenters, what I say—as a member of the Church of England I declare that you are not worthy of freedom."

Mr. Cox—" Are there no exceptions, Sir?"

Roebuck—" Oh ! yes. My friend Mr. Cox asks me are there no exceptions. There are great exceptions to be made, and amongst the most cherished of my friends he will rank the foremost. But I cannot forget that I have received much at the hands of the Dissenters of Bath. I cannot forget that I have been told by them that I ought to be the Member for Bath. I cannot forget that I was told by one of the chief of them that I was worthy of a nation's love; and yet, for mere personal ease and selfish gratification, that man left the town just two days before he ought. I speak of that venerable gentleman, the Reverend Mr. Jay. (Groans.) Have I not watched by day and by night for your interests, Dissenters of Bath, no matter what has been the hour? And yet so little regard has Mr. Jay for my success—so small a consideration has he for my return—that, with an express or special train he finds he must go out of town on Tuesday. (" Shame, shame!") Now, as I have no wish, so I have no will, no matter what may tempt me, to come down here again, and stand before the Abbey as a candidate for your suffrages. I care not what men may say of me. I stand here a free man once again. No religious bigotry hinds my tongue—no influence coerces my heart. To the people of Eng- land—to those who think—I make my appeal. But for those whose religious in- tolerance, bound up with selfishness—for those who have contributed to my pre- sent defeat, I will mark them with the finger of scorn. And I tell you, once for all, that the liberties of your town are trodden under foot; and, as sure as that sun will rise tomorrow, you will see a Tory majority in that hall, and two Tory Members elected to represent von. (" Never, never! ") Think, Dissenters of Bath, and mind what I say. (" Give it to them! ") Oh! I will give it to them. I care not for them. I tell you now that the Dissenters have worked against me today, and that they are working against Lord John Russell in London. But I have not been like Lord John Russell. I have never failed you in a single point. I have supported you on every occasion; and now, under the pretence of religions considerations, I have been deserted. It is now for me—and you will understand what are the sensations of my heart—to say that word which is at all times pain- ful—Farewell. (" No, no! ") No, no ! I say, yes, yes. As that sun is shining above me, no earthly considerations shall ever induce me again to solicit the votes of the people of Bath. When I have won the suffrage for you my non-electing friends, then I may venture here again. But for the Dissenter& of England, as repre- sented by the Dissenters of Bath, I turn from you as cowards in your hearts, unworthy to have any honest man as your representative. For you who are non-electore, when you are invested with the franchise, I can appeal to you here, or anywhere else and be sure of a triumphant return. I saw this morning four burly priests, called Church-of-England parsons, at one of the polling-booths: they were good, hearty fellows, and I liked the look of them; my heart yearned towards them; and why —they were open, upright foes. There was no sneaking about them. They were

no sham friends. I tell you that on this occasion my heart yearned towards them, and I could have shaken hands with every one of them. Why 1—because they were honest opponents. They were not the parties whom I have seen among those who pretended to be my friends; for such pitiful, shameful, wretched, mise- rable humbugs, I never met with in all my life. I have done with them for my life upwards. (" No, no! ") Yes, yes! Never again will I venture my boat upon waters which are blown about by the breath of the Dissenters of Bath. I hope every word I have said will be reported faithfully. What I have said I have spoken from a careful consideration of what I have undergone for many years past. I hope now for ease and peace and quiet in the bosom of my most che- rished family. I wish not for political contest or party strife. I would rather see

the wheat grow evenly on my farm than behold your faces. I would rather gar- ner up the gifts of God's good .providence than meet with your approval. The time may come when those who have rejected me will wish to have me here • but to those, and to you, and to all, I do now say an eternal farewell." (Great ex- citement and cheering.)

One of the youths who suffered from the flogging at Stonyhurst, which we mentioned last week, has furnished the Times with a narrative of the affair; attesting it confidentially with his name and address-

" I was called out of the playground by Mr. Clifford, a Sub-Prefect, and told to go to the room of Mr. Speakman, the Head-Prefect. On entering his room, I found the window-blinds down, and he immediately locked the door. He then desired me to strip, to receive a discipline. I asked him, for what? He answered, for cursing. I requested to know who had heard me curse? His reply was, 'Never mind, you know that you are guilty.' I acknowledged that 1 had on two or three occasions, when provoked, said, 'Damn it '• but that was the only term I had used, and I defied any one to prove that I had made use of any other term. You have,' said he, ' expressed yourself as hostile to the Jesuits.' I again asked who had heard me use any offensive expressions against them, for I was not con- scious of having said an thing that could or ought to give offence; but I received for answer, Never mind' ; and was again ordered to strip, and kneel down against a chair placed in the middle of the room, while he adjusted the sleeves of his cassock, in order to use the cat more freely. If a boy wears flannel, he is ordered to remove it, that the force of the cat may not be weakened; he is also made to bind his braces round his waist, which was the case with me. The number of stripes I received was upwards of thirty. What I have stated can be corrobo- rated by my five schoolfellows who suffered on the same day, and for no graver offence than the one I have stated. We shall all remember Stonyhurst College and the Jesuits.'

Good accounts of the harvest come from every quarter. We subjoin a few gleanings, by way of specimen.

Plymouth. Harvest has commenced in this neighbourhood, and a few fields are cut. It will be general in the course of another week; all appearauce of the potato disease has vanished.—Plymouth Journal. Brighton. Reaping is now general in this neighbourhood; and the farmers have abundant reason to be thankful for one of the beat crops of wheat they have seen brought to maturity for some years. The oats are in many places dried up by the scorching sun, and we fear will be very light. The i barley is generally good, and peas are much better here than they are reported to be in other dis- tricts. Feed is very short, and in many places there is a great scarcity of water, and a field of turnips is scarcely to be seen. It is a curious fact that the black- birds and thrushes are dying ingreat numbers, either fromthe drought, or a want of their usual food.—Brighton Gazette.

Canterbury. The wheat harvest has been commenced in this neighbourhood, and several other parts of the county; the crops being in good condition and weighty; though we perceive an agricultural authority states that the general crop will not be heavy. The reaping of barley and oats has been carried on the past fortnight, and the cutting of beans during the last few days.—Kentish Observer.

Devizes. Reaping has commenced in many places in the neighbourhood; and in a few days, should the present glorious weather continue, it will be general. A parcel of new wheat, of very fair quality, grown by Mr. Clark of the Methuen Arms Inn, was sold in Corsham on Tuesday, at 33s. the sack.

Hereford. The grain-harvest is in active operation among the early-sown wheat in this neighbourhood, but some of the late sown is still looking green and backward. We cannot, of course, yet speak with any certainty of the yield; but the general impression appears to be that it will be light, although of good quality.—

Hereford Journal. •

Manchester. The fine weather of the past week has brought us to the eve of one of the most abundant harvests we have had for many years. The cutting of oats in Cheshire commenced a week ago, on some of the forward farms beyond Altrincham ; and at Gatley Green, near Chelford, as well as at Cheadle Hulme, some excellent oats were out at the close of last week. The shocks stand thick on the ground, and will doubtless thrash out a large quantity of grain of good quality. Wheat is fast changing colour, and will be ready for the sickle by the time the oats are housed.—Manchester Examiner.

Edinburgh. On Monday about six acres of oats were cut down on Mr. Brown's farm of Brunstaiu, near Joppa ; and on Tuesday about the same breadth of barley —both luxuriant crops. Yesterday Mr. Brown had twenty-eight shearers em- ployed in the same work, and expects, after Monday, to have constant harvest. On Tuesday, also, a fine field of barley, on the farm of Mr. Anderson, Preston- pans, was cut down near Cockensie; and we hear that harvest has also coin menced on some fine fields near Mid Calder. Messrs. Young of Burnt Island ex- pect to cut down a field of barley during the present. week.—Caledonian Mercury. Perthshire. We have to report a continuance of the finest weather imaginable for the crops of all kinds. Generally, Westerly winds, with sunshine and a high temperature, have prevailed; with one or two intervening days, during the last fortnight, of gentle rain, which has benefited pastures and green crops much. Wheat is changing colour fast, but barley will come first to the sickle; and a commencement is expected the end of this or beginning of next week. Indeed, a fine field of that grain on the estate of Pitfour, in the Curse of Gowrie was par- tially cut down on Tuesday last, being the first of harvest in this quarter. The fine filling weather we have had for some weeks has added greatly to the weight of all the grain crops; and all kinds, it is now expected, will considerably exceed an average. The turnip crop is the most splendid ever on the ground; and potatoes continue to swell to the bulb and look healthy in the Shaw. Altogether there never was a richer promise on the face of the earth; and only a few weeks longer of fine weather would see it all safely housed.—Perthshire Courier. Antrim, Armagh, and Tyrone. Having had an opportunity, within the last few days, of seeing the crops in various portions of the above counties, it affords us much pleasure to state that a more luxuriant and promising harvest, at this time of the season, we never beheld. No matter in what direction we proceeded, the same gladdening features presented themselves over the country. The wheat and oats are, in general, long in the stalk and heavy in the ear. Several wheat- fields which we passed will be ready for the sickle in a few days. The barley, here, and rye, could not have a -finer appearanee. In one barley-field, be- yond Loughgall, in the county Armagh, the operations of the husbandman have began. The hay crop is in a most forward state. Many farmers had their hay properly saved and stacked in the haggard. The green crops, such as turnips, beans, peas, vetches, &c., are very extensively cul- tivated this year. At every farmer's and cottier's house, beans, and peas, and every other garden vegetable, abound plenteously, and indicate that the reliance of the farmer is no longer exclusively placed in the production of the po- tato. As the potato crop is now the most interesting of all, we will say a few words upon it. The potatoes are certainly not-so much cultivated as hitherto; but whatever is in the ground, at present, inspires the farmer with a just regret that he had not planted a largerquantity. Whether you inspect the sheltered garden or the exposed field, the same luxuriant crop of richly-blossomed potatoes appears before you. If you ask the farmer, are his potatoes tree from disease, he tells you in the most unequivocal manner that he never had a more healthy crop. He has been digging them for the last eight or ten days, and using them at table, or carrying them to the market for sale. In no instance could he find the smallest symptom of blight. These accounts must be very cheering to the people. From all the information we could possibly glean on the potato crop, we found that in no case was there any unfavourable opinion entertained about the reappearance of the blight, but where the party had interested and mercenary views in the propagation of false rumours.—Belfast Vindicator.

Accounts from Leipsic make mention of an exceedingly destructive hail- storm which has occurred in that part of Germany-

" On the 18th July, at four in the afternoon, the sky was suddenly covered in the N.W. by dense thunder-clouds. Thunder and lightning were succeeded by heavy torrents of rain, mingled with hail; which caused considerable damage. The storm travelled on, and committed the most fearful damage possible in many hamlets and villages. The hail fell in large masses, either angular or perfectly round; and it fell with such violence that many birds and domestic fowls were killed. The ripe corn suffered considerable injury; and the ears were com- pletely thrashed out by the hail, so that the people gathered them up with their hands. Several of our farmers have not only lost their crops, but their property, inasmuch as they had neglected to insure their crops against hail. The Freiburg Gazette gives an account of this destructive hail-storm, which pursued its devas- tating course from Greisheim to Ilagelheim. Fields and gardens are destroyed. Report says they are inundated, torn up by the flood; the corn is beaten to the ground; the ears are thrashed out by the violence of the storm; fruit and leaves have been torn from their branches and the vines are utterly destroyed. Pota- toes have on the whole suffered least; for although they have been hardly dealt with, it is confidently hoped that they will recover. Many dwellings also have suffered considerable damage. The windows have been broken, the tiles torn from off the roofs, and the houses flooded. All hearts are disconsolate at this great and unlooked-for calamity, which has befallen us before we have had time to recover from famine and dearth. None can help us in this extremity but God l " .Intelligence has been received from Prague of some extraordinary meteoric

phiruomena. " On the 14th July, abotit four o'Clock in the morning, the

inhabi- tants on several points of Northern Bohemia observed a fire-ball, that suddenly ap- peared in the North-eastern part of the heavens, dragging after it a long flame, and shootiug with great rapidity towards the East, leaving behind a long bright stripe, which remained in the heavens for nearly half an hour, first in a vertical and then in an horizontal direction. At Braunan, a black eloud showed itself sud- denly in the almost cloudless horizon; which, becoming gradually more light, suddenly exploded, with the crash not unlike that of a cannon, in halves; and, after a second violent crash, it came with a revolving motion, when a dark solid kernel was observed. Soon after, the information came that two meteor-stones had fallen in the neighbourhood; one damaged a brick house so much as to split into pieces a large beam; the second fell down half a league from it, in Haapt- mannsdorf, where it buried itself about half a fathom deep in a field. The latter weighs 42 pounds 3 ounces, and consists of solid iron. It is worthy of remark, that meteors are not of rare occurence in Bohemia: one fell down at Elbogen, weighing 191 pounds; at Liebeschitz: and Ploschcowitz, 33 meteor-stones; at Strocow, a stone rain, with pieces varying from half a pound to 20 pounds, at Lissa, Zebrac, &c."

A whale has been made prize of in the Humber, twenty miles above Hull, by four men in a billy-boy. It had got into shallow water, and was exposed from five o'clock in the morning till six in the evening to the attacks of its enemies; who, having nothing but knives for weapons, consumed all that time in killing it. The whale was fifty-two feet long and thirty feet round the thickest part. It was a capital day's work for the men; as the monster, it is calculated, will yield five or six tons of oil, and the last quotation of oil was 311. a ton.

As the royal steamer Comte d'Eu was voyaging from Havre to Cherbourg, one of the boilers burst, and the steam and boiling water filled the engine-room. Twenty men were in the engine-room at the time, and suffered tembly : nine were dead before night, and the other eleven were in a shocking condition.

A little boy, of the commune of Hery. sur-Alby, in the Canton of Geneva, was lately seized by an eagle at the moment at which he had taken some eaglets from a nest. The bird carried him to a height of upwards of 600 metres, to the sum- mit of a rock: luckily, some shepherds saw what was passing, and rushed to the rescue. The poor boy escaped with a fright and the deep impressions of the i eagle's claws in his flesh.

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—

Zymotic (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contaglowi) Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Harrow, Nerves, and Senses Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion Disease. of the Kidneys, &a Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, de Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, de Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, de Old Age Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance

the shade; the mean temperature by day being warmer than the average mean temperature by 3.1°. The direction of the wind for the week was variable. The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 100.4° in the sun to 36.6° in

Total (Including unspecified cause')

The comparison of the deaths registered last week in London with the deaths which would have been registered it the rate of mortality had been the same as in Dorsetshire, shows these totals—London, 964; Dorsetshire, 484; excess, 280.

Number of Summer deaths. average.

301 122 216 103 135 157 196 91S 23 35 82 H 13

a 5 ID

9 7 4 2 33 SO 33 24 — _ 961 940