7 AUGUST 1847, Page 12



At the commencement of the week, the fine weather and decline in the price of corn operated favourably upon the money market; and early on Monday Consols for Account had reached 89*. In the course of the day, it appeared that the Bank of England had refused to discount under 51, per cent; and the speculative sales induced by this intelligence forced the price down to 881: the tendency has since been to decline, and yesterday the price had fallen as low as 88. Then the promulgation of the resolution of the Bank Directors at the usual weekly meeting, to limit the minimum rate of discount to 51, per cent, caused another downward movement; which continued daring the afternoon and the greater part of this day, until Consols for Account had fallen to 86f—for money, to 86j. Afterwards theprice was 87* for Account, and the last price is 86i 87. The rise in the value of money has told severely upon Exchequer Bills: from 8s. premium they have fallen below par, being today at 58. discount. The recent fluctuations in the corn-market have produced the usual effect of such variations; causing a great want of confidence and universal distrust among the tracts. One very large failure is reported today; and the difficulty of obtain- ing advances upon cargoes in consequence of the high rate of discount, coupled with the heaviness of the market, must render the position of large holders one of peculiar peril. It is understood that the measure of the Bank Directors has been rendered imperative by the commencement of shipments of gold to the United States and the demand for silver for France and Germany; large quantities of the latter having been sent to the Continent. The Foreign Market has been in a more active state than usual; and as the sellers have everywhere predominated, all the current varieties of stock are from to 1 per cent below the prices of last week: the actual business, however, has only been important by comparison with the recent torpor of this department, and there is nothing in the transactions themselves to call for particular remark. The Railway Shares have all declined materially; those of the more important lines from 51. to 91.; and the others proportionally. The Directors of the Midland will at the next half-yearly meeting propose a dividend for the half-year just ended at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, being the same as the dividend for the previous half-year. The question of the continuance of the old rate of dividend is, as far as this company is concerned, thus determined for the present. One item charged to capital in the half-yearly statement of accounts, being for new carriages, waggons, &c., ought, it is contended, to have formed part of the charge for wear and tear: the amount is 183,0001. and upwards. Some of the sharehold- ers are dissatisfied with the mode of stating the accounts, and others with the

extent of the item in question. Under all the circumstances, the price has fallen from 1261 to 118; the former having been the highest quotation on Monday, and the latter the lowest today.

The French Shares are all lower; the principal of the new varieties, viz. the Northern of France, having fallen about 11.; while those of lesser note have de- dined about 10s. The transactions have been unimportant. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'czocz.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last ex- hibit. as compared with those of the previous week, a decrease under the follow- ing heads: private deposits, 10,1541.; seven-day and other bills, 30,6211.; un- issued notes, 441,8401.; in the total amount of notes issued, 452,2251.; and in the aggregate amount of bullion, 439,0971. The items of increase are—the rest, 10,4931.; public deposits, 2931.; other securities, 398.7031. The decrease of bullion is greater than was anticipated. At the opening of the market there was a general disposition to sell Consols; the first price was 861, and a large sale was effected at 861; a slight improvement has since occurred, and after being at 87, the price is now 864 7 for Account, and for Money 864 4. The first price of Ex- chequer Bills was Is. discount; a sale has since been effected at 5s. discount, but the price has since reached par. No change or business of importance has occurred in the Foreign Funds; the prices of which are nominally the same as yesterday. Railway Shares are all lower; the most remarkable decline is in those of the London and North-western, which have fallen to 168; a decline of 21 from the lowest 'price of yesterday. The following are the principal bargains: Boston, Stamford, and Birmingham, 51; Caledo- nian, 32h; Eastern Counties, 181 1 4; Great North of England, New, 301., 694; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 194; London and Brighton, 511 501; North- western, 169 8; South-western, Consolidated Eighths, 51 50: Ditto, New 501., 361; Midland, 401., 454; Midland, Bristol, and Gloucester, 1261; Newcastle and Berwick, 271; Ditto, New, 841; Norfolk, 119; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 8 74; York and Newcastle, Preference, 11* 1; York and North-Midland, Pre- ference, 131; East and West Riding Extension, 25; Boulogne and Amiens, 14. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Stock Market closes rather more firmly, Consols for Money being 861 4, and for Account 87 *. Exchequer Bills have in the course of the afternoon been done at 4s. and Is. discount, and India Bonds have fallen as low as 7s.'dis- count. The transactions recorded in the Foreign Market are only the following: Equador Bonds, 34; Portuguese Four per Cents, 30; Spanish Active, 21. The Railway Share Market has participated in the firmness of the English Funds; and it will be seen by the subjoined list of the business occurring, that the last transactions frequently are in advance of those of the earlier part of the day. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, lh ; Caledonian, 321 it; Eastern Counties, 18/1 19; Ditto, York Extension, 64 1 premium; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 301; Great North of England, 237; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 19; Ditto, New, 81; London and Blackwell, 61; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 511 504 14; London and North western, 169 8 71; Manchester and Leeds, 961; Midland, 120 19; Newcastle and Berwick, 271 7; Norfolk, 119 20; North British, 30/ 14: North Staffordshire, 91 9 i; South eastern and Dover, 35; York and North Midland, East and West Riding Extension, 25 1; Boulogne and Amiens, 14; Dutch-Rhenish, 3; Northern of France, 11 1 ; Paris and Lyons, 31; Sambre and Manse, 6/ West Flanders, 4.

3 per Cent Consols

861 I

Danish 3 per Cents 84 6 Ditto Tor Account

Dutch 24 per Cents 56 3 per Cent Reduced



Ditto 4 per Cents-

89 1 34 per Cents 881 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 18 Lona Annuities 9 1-16 New Grenada 19 20 Bank Stock 197 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 29 30 Exchequer Bills 4 din par Peruvian 33 6 'idle Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Biagi! in 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 204 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 30 1 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 36 9 Venezuela 38 40 Chilian 6 per Cents 91 3