The Stebonheath, from Port Phillip, arrived yesterday, with accounts to
the 22d April, and 60,000 ounces of gold. The produce of the mines was steadily increasing, and at the latest date amounted to about 100,0001. a week. The revenue of Victoria had increased by 35,5921. ; a sum nearly equal to the whole of the revenue of the corresponding quarter last year. Much of this arose from the duties on spirits, tobacco, and foreign goods. In the territorial revenue, likewise, there was an extraordinary augmentation : for the corresponding quarter of 1851 it was only 91381. ; now it was 156,8274 The chief items of increase were the land-sales,
which amounted to 95,2481.; the gold-licences, which produced 48,5971. ; and the gold-escort, which produced 44891.
A Aid Afrikaan of the 31st of May has been received. A successful attack had been made on the Waterkloof on the 17th, by Colonel Buller. The British rear-guard, however, was severely handled in the subsequent retreat &dm this fastness.