The Melancholy Mad Career Of Drury Lane Has Ended In
an early clos- ing movement.......
The Prospectus Of A New Australian Bank Has Just Been
issued : to be a chartered company; and to be called the London Chartered Bank of Aus- tralia. The Chairman is Mr. Duncan Dunbar, the extensive shipowner. Banking would appear......
Dr. Dixon ' One Of The Professors At Maynootb, Has Been
chosen as the worthiest of three candidates for the vacant Roman Catholic Primacy in Ireland. His rivals were Dr. Kieran, and Dr. M'Nally, Bishop of Clogher.......
Dr. Rampold, An Eminent Bavarian Anatomist, *eis Iotind...
his room at the Eslingen hospital on the 19th fBf July. Robbery seems to have been the object,......
Post-office Statistics.
The Post-office return for the year 1851, published a few days ago, fur- nishes, like its predecessors, matter worthy of careful consideration. The number of letters was 3604......
The Stebonheath, From Port Phillip, Arrived Yesterday,...
the 22d April, and 60,000 ounces of gold. The produce of the mines was steadily increasing, and at the latest date amounted to about 100,0001. a week. The revenue of Victoria......
Of Outing.
It is a useful as well as a graceful thing for a person of high rank and station to cultivate art. It indicates a native refinement of character, while it heightens that......
A Charge Has Been Brought Against The Lady Superior Of
the Roman Ca- tholic nunnery at Norwood, Madame de l'Espinasse, of having ill-treated and insufficiently supplied with food a young girl named Griffiths. The case was opened at......
The Queen Was To Start About Noon Today, "weather...
on a cruise Eastward, having Antwerp for her destination. Another report is that her Majesty will first go to Jersey and Guernsey.......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Sinister reports of a deficient harvest, and of the existence of the potato- disease both in England and Ireland, have operated prejudicially......