[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. William Blumberg refers to a report in The Times of Jirly 24th, and writes : " I see that the Zionists have com- plied with my suggestion and offered to renounce the Labour schedule for Jewish immigrants into Palestine which is due in October." He is absolutely mistaken. He apparently refers to an inqUiry alleged to have been addressed to the Higher Arab Committee as to " What guarantees it could offer that order would be restored in Palestine supposing that the Zion- ists were to renounce the Labour schedule for Jewish immi- grants."
In consequence of this story, which is entirely unfounded, the Executive of the Zionist -Organiiation and of the Jewish Agency for Palestine have emphatically declared that their representatives in Jerusalem and London, headed by Dr. Weizmann, have informed the Governnient orally and in writing that they are firmly opposed to any form of stoppage of immigration. The Executive haVe issued a warning to the public not to be misled by such false rumours, which are clearly designed to strengthen the hands of the Aratcterrorists. —YOurs faithfully,
The Zionist Organisaliins, 77 Great Russell strcet, London,