[to The Editor Of The Spectator-1 • Sm,—as A Constant
reader of The Spectator I am glad to see your columns open to all varieties of opinion, but I do not think that many of your readers will derive much help or satisfaction from......
What Should' We Fight For ?
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Last week you gave space to some very poor stuff from Mr. A. L. Rowse on the grounds that he is " a young man of military age who is also......
The Roots Of The Spanish Revolt
. [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin, —The February elections in .Spain were held under a' Centre. Government which was controlled .by the . Right . Wing owing to the fact......
[to The Editor Of Tun Spectator.] .
Sm,--=The 'article 'by Mr. A. L; Rowse in answer to the questiiiii;-"'What Should we fight for -? " is most 'enlightening. His reply is in effeet that Socialists Would- fight=......