What We Should Fight For The discussion opened by Lord
Eustace Percy in The Spectator a fortnight ago on the question, " What Should We Fight For ? " is carried a stage further today by a very interesting contribution from the pen of Lord Beaverbrook. It is superfluous to observe that the views of the proprietor of the Daily Express are on many subjects—including this one—the precise opposite of The Spectator's. The task of Great Britain, as we see it, is to impress on the nations of the world, and of Europe in particular, the necessity of raising the League of Nations to authority and power. If that effort fails, Lord Beaverbrook's gospel of Isolation will win many converts, and his uncompromising presenta- tion of it in our columns is welcome ; no discussion in which all the participants promulgated the same doctrines would be worth the space it occupied. But meanwhile our hope is in the reinvigoration of the League.