The Alert, West India packet, has arrived with accounts from
Jamaica to the 28th October, and from other islands .a a few day§' earlier date. Sir CHARLES METCAEPE opened the sec-sion of the Jamaica Legislature on the 22d October, with a conciliatory speedh, well received by 'the House of Assembly. That body, after passing resolutions affirming the wisdom, reasonableness, and constitution- ality of their refusal to act under the provocations received lait• year, proceeded to business with alacrity, and passed several bills,• renewing those which they had- suffered to expire. There was a prospect of continued agreement between the Governor and the Planters.
In Trinidad, the owners of estates were making great exertions to procure labourers from the United States and frian other West India Islands ; and a considerable number had arrived from Grenada, tempted by very liberal wages offered by the Trinidad proprietors. In Demerara the same subject was uppermost in the minds of the landowners, and a public meeting had bc:.n held to take measures for obtaining a supply of labour. The Dews from the other West India Colonies does not require particular notice.