7 DECEMBER 1839, page 4

The State Of Trade In Nottingham Is Still Very Deplorable.

The appli- cations from unemployed frame-work knitters, and especially silk glove hands, to the Board of Guardians, have been so numerous, that the Guardians have been compelled......

A Coert-martiol Was Held ;it Newport. On Tuesday ; When

Samuel Munlen, a private in the Forty-fifth Regiment, was charged with de- seriber, on the 2:e1 of November. This nem is said to have beau se- tumid by the Chartists. He was......


Dr. Murray, the Roman Catholic Archbishop.of Dublin, has sent his subscription to the O'Connell fund with this letter to Mr. Power, one of the Trustees- " Dear Sir—I base the......

Some Surprise Was Caused In Sheffield On Monday, By The

appear- ance of a placard announcing a Chartist meeting, to elect a new dele- gate, and a lecture on good government, for that evening, by Mr. Richard Otley ; and a torch-light......

The Limerick ,standard Contains An Extraordinary Account...

to Limerick by Father Matthew, an apostle of " temperance,", who is making it great stir among the whisky-drinkers- " On Saturday evening last this gentleman arrived in this......