7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 2


TEE Queen remains at 'Windsor, taking occasional. walks on the ter- race, mid rides in a pony phaeton ; but her Majesty appears to have given up equestrian exercise. The guests at the Castle have not been numereus. A immong them, we notice the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Bill, the :':nrchioness of Clanricarde, Lord Melbourne, Lord Duncan- non, the Leaks Elemora and Constance Paget. Sir Jellies Clark has also bee.. in attendance.

'flat Queen has given several sittings to Mr. Ross junior, who is painting e miniature oilier Majesty, to be set in a superbly-mounted watch-ea ea a present to Prima: Albert.

On Tuesday night, about half-past ten, John Shockledge, a middle- aged num, evidently insane, got over the iron gates leading to the Cas- tle, oppeeite the Long Walk, -where no sentries were placed. He -walked to the gremol entrance to the Castle, and demanded admittance as " King of England." The porter, humouring the conceit, allowed the man mo enter, when an Iospector of Police took him into custody. Next tint be was brought belies.: Mr. Charles :Murray and the Mayor (A-Witeleor. lie said "lie wes loma:ing after a wife, being King of England, and impelled by the Spirit.- He was sent to London, ox audited at -Boa- Street, and remanded for further examination. The priemmer, it seems, is a tea-dealer in 2mIanebester ; and has twice been conline't in lunatic esylums, from one of which he was recently liberated.

Queen Adelaide arrived at Marlborough House on Saturday, attended by lard Howe, Lord Denbigh, 8ir Horace Seymour, and the ladies of her Household.