Summonses have been issued for a Privy Council to be held at Windsor on Monday next, at two o'clock ; when, it is supposed, the day fbr the meeting of Parliament will be fixed.
It is reported that Lord Duncannon is about to succeed Lord Ebring- ton in the Viceroyalty of' Ireland.
The resignation of Mr. Justice Littledale has been rumoured, but the report is contradicted by the Globe.
The Reverend Mr. Andrew's has beets appointed Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons.
Mr. James Stark, of the Edinburgh bar, has been appointed Queen's Advocate-General for. Ceylon.
The Tithe Commissioners for Wales have appoiuted Mr. Robert Page, of Charlton House, Somerset, an Assistant Tithe Commissioner for especial purposes.
The British Government, we learn, has appointed Mr. G. R. Porter as a Commissioner, jointly with Mr. Bulwer and Mr. sIPGregor, in the commercial negotiations between England and France. Mr. Porter, who is chief of the statistical department at the Board of Trade, is a Mall of great experience, sound judgment, and conciliatory disposition. A better choice could not have been made. The English Government, we have already stated, is desirous that the conferences should be re- sumed immediately. Mr. Bulwer and Mr. Porter, who have already shown an honourable zeal in the affair, will not wait for Mr. M*Gregor.— Galignani's Messenger. [Mr. Porter is a good statist, but Isis talents for negotiation are undiscovered.]