In a" sentence at the opening of last Spectator, we inadvertently clubbed Edinburgh with the other places havinq vacant seats where in- teresting contests might be expected. We did not mean to include Edinburgh ; for there is no appearance of any serious opposition to Mr. Macaulay—although the Times is spurring the Tory minority to make the attempt.
Late on the evening of Friday or early on Saturday morning last, the Petrel, of Stockton, David Parry master, from Dalhousie, North America, laden with timber, drove on the rocks lying between St. Andrew's and the Carr Rock ; when, melancholy to relate, the master, six men, and a boy met a watery grave : a female, who had taken a passage from Stromness to Stockton, also suffered. Six bodies and the female have been found. One seaman alone escaped, to tell the sad tidings: he having got upon a log and drifted to the beach.—Enhuburgh Observer.