On the 16th November, at Woodfield theists near Kidderminster, the Wife of the Rev. W. COCHIN, Head Master of Kiddermiuster School, of a son. On the 2Ist, at Cressmell, Northumberland, the Lady of 0. A. Ham CatutswImx, Esq., of aeon, On the 23d, at the Archdeaconry, Lismore, the Lady of Archdeacon Powza, of a 60U. On the 28th, at Lee House, Lanark, Lady M•Dosieun Loconater, of a son and heir. On the 29th, at Grove Park, near Warwick. Lady DORMER, of a son.
On the 2d December, at Ackworth Park, Wakefield, the Ludy of ions Geurat;Eeqs. of a daughter.
On the 2d, at Woolmer Lodge. Hampshire, Mrs. WILLIAM ANGERSTEIN, of a son. On the 3d, at Hathertun, the Lady MARGARET LITTLETON. of a son. On the 3d, at the house of Earl Amherst, in Grosvenor Street, Lady SARAH HAY WHO LIARS, of a daughter. On the 4th. at Thornham Hall, Suffolk, the Lady HENNIKER, of a daughter. Ou the 4th, at Melchbourne Park, the Lady St. JOHN, of a sou.
On the 26th November, at Bourton-ou Dunsmoor, Warwicksliire, the Rev. AHD= SEATON, youngest son of the Rev. William Seaton, Rector of Lempeter, Pembrokeshire, to HARRIET Lucy, youngest daughter of JAMES Paumee, Esq., of the Close, Sheffield. Os the 30th, at Tattingstone, Suffolk, JOHN BRUCE PnYCE, Esq., of Duffryn, Glamor- ganshire, High Sheriff for that Couuty, to Amer.. Gamer, second daughter of the late BUSHEY, Esq.. of Great Cumberland Place. On the 3d December. at Tottenhall. W. FLEMING FRYER. Esq., of T,.ttenhall Wood, eldest son of Richard Fryer, Esq., of the Wergs. Staffordshire, to CAROLINE. youngest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel HORTON, of Tettenhall. On the 3d, at Liverpool. Captain M. W. Gounte, of the Forty-second Royal High- landers, son of General Goldie, of the Nunnery. Isle of Man, to CAROLINE, daughter of E. ARNAUD. Esq., of Abercromby Square, Liverpool. On the 3d, at St. George's, Hauover Square, the Rev. lurrne Tmaas, of Eathorpe House. Warwick, to ELIZAI3ETH, Widow of Colonel RATHBONE. of Kensiogton. On the 4th, at Fawley Church, Hants, ALEXANDER BA1LLIE COCHRANE. Esq., !M.P. for Bridport, 40 ANNABELLA MARY ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of ANDREW and Lady ELIZABETH DRUMMOND, Of C.07110.11dS Park. On the 5th, at Chaudos Ilouse, according to the rites nf the Roman Catholic Church, and afterwards at St. George's, Hanover Square, his Excellency PHILIP Baron Mao- MANN, Austrinn Minister in this country, to Lady Ceamorrz AUGUSTA. Fazozalca SOMERSET, eldest daughter of the Duke of Beaufort.
On the 25th November, at Pedmore Rectory, Worcestershire, Meer, the Wife of the Rev. TH0414.4 PHILPOTT ; in her 83d year. On the 25th, at the Vicarage. St. Mark. near Ross, Herefordshire. Marty. Wife of the Rev. W. H. LEY, and eldest daughter of Dr. Prichard, of Bristol ; in her 27th year. On the 28th, at his residence its London, Colonel Sir JOHN HENRY SEALE. Bart., M.P. 011 the 28th, at Lartiugton Hall, Yorkshire, HENRY, Esq., High Sheriff of
the County of Durham ; in his 65th year.
On the 28th, at Green Park, Bath, M74. CATHERINE HARRISON, formerly of Bram- bliug House, near Canterbury ; in her 94th year. On the 29th, at Bath, the [4,s. ROBERT OTWAY CAVE, M.P., of Stanford Hall, Leices- tershire, and of Castle Otway. Tipperary ; is his 6011, year. On the 30th, at Moffat, Dumfriesshire, the Hon. Sir JAMES Brame, Knight, Baron of Colstouu, and a Baronet of Scotland and Nova Scotia. On the 30th, at Leamiugtou, ions RALPH, )oungest son of the Right lion. Lord BYRON ; in his 8th year. Ou theist December, at Teddington, MARY ANNE, the Wife of Rear-Admiral C0LLAB.D. Ou the 1st, at Waterford, Lady NEWPORT, Relict of the late Sir Simon Newport.