The Chronicle This Morning Resumes The Soothing Strain...
It is admitted that England has a "thick hide of apathy and indifference " ; but the feeling towards Ireland is improved ; and it is suggested that it would be more prudent to......
Last Night's Gazette Contains Notices From The Horse...
Admiralty, that officers of the Army and Navy need not wear any other mourning with their uniforms than a black crape round the left arm. The Ministerial Herald quotes from the......
At Chester Assizes, On Thursday, John Kenyon...
solicitor, who was twice Mayor of that town, was convicted of defrauding the Pelican Life Insurance Office, to the amount of 5,0001., by forged indorsements. His counsel took......
The Leeds Mercury Of This Day Reports Two Anti-corn-law...
meetings, very numerous and effective; one at Huddersfield on Tuesday, the other at Leeds on Wednesday. Mr. Cobden and Mr. Bright were the speakers ; Mr. Cobden pursuing his......
Dublin Accounts Of Thursday Display Mr. O'connell Still...
the Charitable Bequests Act. In the first place, he has published a legal "opinion," in which he declares that the act places the regular (that is, the monastic) clergy in a......
The Paris Papers Of Thursday Publish A Royal Ordinance,...
'the duties on several articles of commerce imported into France in French ships. The object is understood to be, to revive the commercial navy of the country; sad complaints of......
The Times Publishes A Long Letter By "c." Of The
" Coningsby " stamp, lecturing Sir Robert Peel on his position and procedure. It af- fects a Junius-like style of mingled familiarity and trenchant dissection, and widns up with......
Bank Of Eng Land. — An Account, Pursuant To The Act 7th And
8th Vic- toria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 30th day of November 1844. ISSUE DEPARTMENT. Notes issued £27,786,190 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The monied public have largely availed themselves of the accommodation offered by the Bank Directors, and great sums have daily been borrowed......