Last night's Gazette contains notices from the Horse Guards and
Admiralty, that officers of the Army and Navy need not wear any other mourning with their uniforms than a black crape round the left arm.
The Ministerial Herald quotes from the Sun the statement that Sir Henry Pot tinger is shortly to replace Sir Stratford Canning as British Minister at Constantinople.
Among other acts to promote education among the Hindoos, Sir Henry Hardinge has issued a public notification, to the effect that his -Government, in distributing public employment to Natives, will always give the preference to such as have received a good education.
We have received accounts from Constantinople of the 17th ultimo. Ali Effendi, the Turkish Ambassador in London, has been recalled, and &rim Effendi appointed in his stead. This appointment is considered a further proof of the retrograde policy in which the Porte has been indulging for some time past.—Morning Chronicle.
"A commercial convention is on the eve of being signed between Great Britain and Russia. Few articles still remain to be settled, the preliminaries of the treaty having been agreed upon on both sides."— Univers, Paris paper.