7 DECEMBER 1844, Page 20



BRITISH per Cent. Coosols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 3k per Cents. Reduced Loug Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 10} Exchequer Bills. 1.1d. p. diem India Bonds. 3} per cent


Prices.) Wanes.


Priday, FU Saturday NDS. (Closing


1001 101 100 1028 12 208 -

57 pm.

- 1014 101} 1004 102; 12 208 -


--- 101 101} 100} 1021 124 207 288 55 - shut

99i ex. d. 100} 1021 12} 208 - 55 --

- 991 100; 1021 12} 208 - 55 78 pm. 100 1001 1021 12} 208} 55 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Alabama (Sterling) fl p. Ct. - Mexican fly. Ct. 264

Austrian 5 --


Ditto (Dekrred) 5 164 Belgian 5 - 1021 Michigan 6

Brasilian 5 884 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6

Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - 36 _ Neapolitan New York (1858) 5


Chiliau 6 - 103 Ohio 6

Columbian of 1824 6 - 14} Peuusylvania 5

Hanish 3 -

- Peruvian 6


Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .2} -

Ditto (Ditto) 5 --



Portuguese 5 Ditto (Converted) 56

French 3 -

85f. Russian 5 1194 Ditto 5 -

Spanish 5 241 Indiana (Sterling) 5- - Ditto 361

Illinois 6 --

- Ditto (Passive) 6}

Kentucky 6 -

- Ditto (Deferred) 15} Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct

Maryland (Sterling) ....5 - - United States Bank

Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - Virginia. 6

(Last Official Quotation


Holailos Brazilian Imperial

Ditto (St. Julio del Rey)

British Iron Caudouga Cobre Copper


Edinburgh and Glasgow

Eastern Counties

Grand Junction Great North of England Great Western Liverpool and Manchester Loudon and Brighton London and Blaekwall Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmiugham Loudon aud Croydon .....

Manchestsr and. Leeds Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western York and North Midland SIIARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


- Australasian 8 British North American 111 Colonial Loudon and Westminster Joint Stuck

- National of lieland

National Provincial 61 Provincial of Iceland 134 Union of Australia 218 Union of London 1204 Doeits - 146 East and West Iudia 213 London 481 St. Katherine


91 Australian Agricultural 2:0 British American Laud 101 Canada 117 General Steam 108 New Zealand 331 Royal Mail Steam 821 South Australian 103 Van Diemeu's Land 44 44 131 26} 131 38 444 274 141 11.6 119




Cold, Foreign le Bars ...per os al. ars.

ad. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 641.0s. to 0 50 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars ...... 6 0 0 0 0 Mexic.sn Dollars.... ........ 0 4 10 Lead, British Pig 16 10 0 -. 0 0 0 Siberia Bars, Standard 0 0 it Steel, English

0 0 ii - 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 6.

We have had a very fair supply of Englsh Wheat during the week, which was mostly cleared off on previous market-days. The trade this moruing is slow, but with scarcely any variation in prices. In Foreign Wheat the transactions are confined to present.- wants. but very firm rates are demanded. The receipts of Foreign Grain are larger than usual, particularly Barley, the quantity of which reported amounts to upwards of 15,000 quarters. The best English parcels for Malting or Distilling are tolerably steady iu value; but all secondary sorts meet a slow demand, at rather worse prices. In Beaus or Peas there is no change deserting notice. The Oat trade continues firm; but ;here is only a moderate extent of business doing. Malt steady ; and Flour in rather better request, from the present cold weather.

S. 15s

Oars, Feed 21 Meg

Fine . es.. la Poland . 24. ES Fine 25.. MI Potato 25 .. 57 Nine 57,,E0 Wheat,RedNes38 to 44 Fine 45..47 Old 38 .. ir Fine 50 5, SuperfineNew45 .. Rye SO toss Barley 24 . 26 Malting SO., 3i Malt, Orctinary 54.. 56 Fine 58 Se Peas, Hog .... 32 .. 33 Maple 34 to 85 White 35. 88 Boilers 38 .. 4 Beans, Ticks 32 34 Old 36 ..88 Harrow 36 ..58 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Fer Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat ass. Hell 123e SI, fid. Wheat ... ..... 50, lid 1 Rye es. Rd .

Barley 35 5 Beans ... . ... 57 D Barley ........ 3 0 Beans .. .. 5 6 ' Oats 20 .5 Peas is 3 Oats 6 0 Peas .... . 7 5 Weekly Averages for lime Week ending Nov. 30. Wheat, 45s, 4d.-Barley, 35s Id.-Oats, so. 81.-Rye, sea. ad..-Beans, 38s. ed.-Pens, 25s. lids

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


Hay,Good I57s. . Das Ws... 114s ...... Os... Os WM... 108s.

Inferior 55 .. 10G

New 0 . 0 0 .. 0

Clover 114 ... 118 100 ..100 0 .. 0 105 .,I56 Wheat Straw 34 . BS 0 . 34 0 . 0 ..... SO ,,,. 38


Kent Pockets 1201. to 16.s.

Choice Ditto 130 -505 Sussex Pockets 130 -147 Fine Ditto 155 55


York Reds per tan es.tores.

Scotch Re.ts 60 - 0 Devon. ..

Kent and-F...4ex ....... ...... 6515 BUTGHE 1.8' MEAT.

NEWGATE AND LEADENH A LL.• SMITHFIELD.* Beef is. td. to 3s. id. to 3 . ed. 21.10d. to as Rd. to 4 4 Mutton 2 6 .. 5 0 .. 8 II 3 0 .. 3 8 .. 4 4 Veal 2 8 .. 3 8 .. 4 II 3 2 .. 3 10 .. 4 8 Pork 55 .. S I/ .. 4 0 5 4 .. 4 0 .. 4 0

Lamb 0 0 ..0 0 .. 0 V

• To sink the offal-per iilbs. BEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. Priday..... . 1,096 4,510 Ise ... ..... 379 Monday........ ........... .. 1,461 27.7.110 102 430


Town.made per sack 40s. to 45t.

Seconds 35 - an

Essex and Suffolk, ou board ship 30 - 95 Noriolk and Stockton ........ 30 - 53

BRAE, per toaster Os. to Os.

POLLARD, fine Os. to Os.

BREAD, 51. to 70.th° 4113, Loaf. PROVISIONS.

BUTTER-Sest Fresh, 18, Od . per dos • Carlow, 41.10,. to 51.es. per cat. BACON. Irish, per cm 44s.to 48s.

CHEESE, Chesnire .fies.to 74s.

Derby Plata 50s . to Mis.

HAMS, York Es,. ro Xs.

EGGS, French... per tell Si. Si to Ss. skt.


Rape Oil yer cwt II. 14s 6d 1 15 6 Linseed Oil 1 2 2 Lin.eed Oil Cake per 100° 0 0 0 CAN DLES, per dozen, 5ssd.to 5s. 61. Mould. (0.1. perdos.discount) 7s. lid.

COALS, Helton 28.. ILL

Toss.. 28.8 .1.


TEA, Bohea, line, p. lb. Os. ad.-0 S

Congou, fine ...... I 8 -2 5 Sorichon,s, fine 2 0 -3 In Bond-Duty 2s.ld.per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) pecans. Ms. [eine]

Good Ordinary so..to 53s. SUGAR, useovado..per mot. SID. Bei. West laths Molasses.. 10s. ad. to ass. id ,