CO Cunt. WINDSOR CASTLE, Nov. 29.—His Royal Highness the Duke
of Nemours arrived yesterday afternoon on a visit to Her Majesty. In the evening the Royal dinner party included the Princess Alice, the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, the Hon. Mrs. T. M. Biddulph, and visitors who arrived in the afternoon.
The Queen walked and drove this morning, accompanied by the Princess of Leiningen.
Nov. 30.—The Royal dinner party yesterday included the Princess Alice, the Duke of Nemours, the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, the Marquis of Tullibardine (Scots Fusilier Guards), the Earl of Car- lisle, the RightHon. W. E. and Mrs. Gladstone, the Hon. John H. T. Manners Sutton, the Provost of Eton, the Rev. Dr. Goodford, and Mr. Rom
The Queen, with Princess Alice, rode out on horseback this morn- ing, attended by the Hon. Beatrice Byng, the Equerry in Waiting, the Fir' of Caithness, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cavendish.
Dec. 4.—Her Majesty's dinner party yesterday included the Prin- cess Alice, the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, the Duke of New- castle, Viscount Bury, and Sir Alan Munich, Bart. Her Majesty's private band performed during dinner.
The Queen, attended by the Lady in Waiting, walked in the grounds of the Castle this morning.
DEC. 5.—The Queen drove out open carriage and four this morning, attended by the Duchess of Attain and Lord Alfred Paget. Lord Alfred Paget- has succeeded Major-General Seymour as Equerry-in-Waiting to Her Majesty.