News Of The Week.
M O further progress has been made in the American quarrel. The anger at first displayed in England has settled down into a calm decision that the law, whatever it be—and there......
The Stockbrokers Of Paris Have Broken Out Into Idolatry. The
financial decree of the 12th of November has had for one of its results to abolish the admission fee to the Bourse. Their gratitude is boundless, and they wish for a statue of......
Dr. Cullen Has Declared That All Members Of Secret Societies
are ex facto cut off from the Church, and called on all Irishmen to remember that such societies are rampant in Italy, and that Ireland, with all its misfortunes, is not mis-......
Mr. Cobden Has Written A Very Foolish Letter To The
Roch- dale meeting, on international law—very foolish, we mean, for the purpose he had in view. The Congress of Paris had laid down the rule that neutral ships should cover......
The Jowett Controversy Has Been Raging Fiercely At...
and signed circulars have been flying about the University. Mr. Brumley, of Magdalen College, who had statelin congregation that his faith had been undermined by Professor......
The Speeches Of The Week Have Been Principally On The
Ame- rican war, and of these the most important was Mr. Bright's. The Member for Rochdale, in a burst of most eloquent argument, defended the right of the Union to refuse to......
The French Senate Met On The 2nd Of December, And
the Senatus Consultum, modifying the system' of discussing the budget, was immediately laid before it. The budget is to be voted by sections, which means, we believe, that the......
" THE SPECTATOR" is published every Saturday Morning, in time for despatch by the Early Trains, and copies of that Journal may be had the same .efilernomt through News-agents in......