Ttritur, DEC. 5 (Evening). The debate on the Roman question continued to-day in the Chamber of Deputies. Signor Buoncompagni said:
"The path followed by the GOvernment in regard to the Roman question is the one which was recommended to it by a vote of the Chambers. I could not think of acting otherwise than in accord with France, it being necessary that Italy should still have a stranger in her bosom. As long as Venice is in the possession of Austria, Italy will always be at war. We could not obtain Rome without first having Venice. Italy will go to•Venice when she shall have an army of 300,000 men."
Signor Buoncompagni approved the policy of the Government on all points.
Two members of the Left afterwards spoke against the policy pur- sued by the Government in the interior.
Baron Ricasoli will speak to-morrow. General Bixio was present at to-day's sitting.