7 DECEMBER 1895, Page 13

Messrs. Bliss, Sands, and Foster send us one of their

remark- ably cheap reprints, The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, an exact reproduction of Stothard's edition, with Stothard's designs (twenty in number) as they were engraved by Heath. The volume, which extends to nearly four hundred pages, con- tains both parts of the story.—Another reprint is The Story of Es-Sindibdd of the Sea and of Es-Sindibdd of the Land and AU Baba and the Forty Thieves (Lawrence and Bullen), with a num- ber of excellent illustrations by W. Strang and I. B. Clark Lane's translation has been followed for " Sindibiid," and Jona- than Scott's for "Au Baba."—.Popular Tales, by Maria Edge- worth (Macmillan and Co.), is introduced by some sympathetic remarks from the pen of Mrs. A. Thackeray Ritchie. There is a certain primness about Miss Edgeworth's stories, but they are well worth reeding, even though, as Mrs. Ritchie puts it, the world described is one where everything happens delightfully pat and neatly proportioned,—so much virtue, so much reward ; so much work, so many plums. The illustrations by Miss Chris Hammond are excellent.