7 DECEMBER 1895, page 14
Benzoni's Children. By J. Armstron G . (r.t.s.)—this Is A...
story of two Italian children, left orphans by their father's death, and fallin g into the hands of an uncle who ex- ploits the services of the children as acrobats. The wron g......
The Young Ranchers. By Edward S. Ellis. (cassell And Co.)—
The second title, "Fi g htin g the Sioux," indicates the scene of this story. The time, we ima g ine, is recent. Mr. Ellis has woven his incidents to g ether into a g ood plot,......
Pictorial New Zealand. With Preface By Sir W. B. Percival.
(Cassell and Co.)—The publishers have done in this volume what they have already accomplished for many parts of the Old and the New World,—i.e., bad it well illustrated by pen......