Benzoni's Children. By J. Armstron g . (R.T.S.)—This is a pretty little
story of two Italian children, left orphans by their father's death, and falling into the hands of an uncle who ex- ploits the services of the children as acrobats. The wrongs that the little Bembo (otherwise Luigi) endures, and the ultimate deliverance, are told not without a certain pathetic effectiveness. —The Gold of that Land. By Margaret S. Comrie. (R.T.S.) —This is another Italian story, but planned on a larger and more ambitious scale. There is a certain controversial purpose in it, hardly served by making a Roman Catholic priest play the villain of the plot (he looks, by the way, too benevolent in the frontispiece). We must own that this is not an attraction to us, but doubtless Miss Comrie knows her public.