THE Sultan still i efuses to issue the firman permitting an increase of the guardships in the Bosphorus, and the Powers still hesitate to inform him that, in the event of further delay, his firman will be dispensed with. They retain their "concert," but remain inactive. So far the Sultan triumphs ; and a little incident has revealed the spirit in which he is inclined to use his triumph. Said Pasha, who has twice been Grand Vizier, was recently summoned to the Palace; and on the conclusion of a " satisfactory " inter- view with the Sultan, was ordered to reside for a time in Yildiz Kiosk. Said, who knows his master, read his sentence in the order, and on Wednesday took refuge in the British Embassy. The Sultan is, of course, furious ; and it is not impossible that he may resolve on some act which would bring matters to a head. The slightest attempt to violate the sanctity of an Embassy would unite all Europe, and, we imagine, compel the Powers to declare that while they respected the indepen- dence of Turkey, they could hold with the present Sultan no further intercourse. For the present, however, nothing is visible in Constantinople except a general attitude of expectation.