LETTERS Cloud in the west
Sir: I am sure I was not the only reader to be flabbergasted by the crudeness and inac- curacy of Mr Lyndon's tirade on Ulster CA disarming question', 30 November).
The Protestant majority in Northern Ire- land (which is not 'less than 1 per cent of the total population' of the United King- dom but nearer 2 per cent — an error of nearly 100 per cent by Mr Lyndon), togeth- er with a very substantial proportion of the Catholic minority, strongly, and justifiably, objects to the prospect of annexation by the Irish Republic. This would deport them into a regime where civil liberties to which they are now entitled would be denied to them (including contraception and divorce), and where the problems of a 'dis- enfranchised' minority could be recreated on an even larger scale — as Ulster Protes- tants would form 20 per cent of a 'united Ireland'. Responsible Eire politicians are less than enthusiastic at this prospect.
I cannot see that percentages in fact have much to do with the principle. if Belgium were to change its constitution to lay claim to Enfield, say, I am sure (at least, I hope) Mr Lyndon would join with us, and every subject of the Queen, to tell Brussels to get stuffed. Would this mean that 265,000 Enfielders were 'determining policy for the whole nation'? It would in fact mean that Enfielders, like Ulstermen, are part of a nation that believes in standing up for its fellow nationals. If tiny factions of extrem- ists, inflamed by the Vlaamse Blok, attacked each other over whether Edmon- ton was a rightful part of Flanders, to the disgust of their fellow citizens, would that justify Mr Lyndon in describing the entire population of the borough as 'primitive mobs of barbarians'?
Citizens of this country can certainly vote to disembarrass themselves of responsibility to Ulster should they so wish. Mr Lyndon cannot have paid too much attention to the policies of Labour or the Liberal Democrats, both of which parties make it clear that they would sell Ulster down the river at the earliest convenience should they come to power — perhaps on the back of a phoney referendum of the sort that Mr Lyndon commends. But let not Mr Lyndon rejoice too much at this prospect; should it come to the event, the people of the United Kingdom may prove less prejudiced and ill- informed than he would wish.
The only responsible solution for Ulster is to restore to it gentline political institu- tions (including a meaningful participatory local government) and to reinstitute parlia- mentary government instead of Orders in Council. In this way, Ulstermen of whatev- er communion will have the chance to make a genuine contribution to a national debate and Ulster will begin to regain the
self-respect without which no political pro- posals of any sort (including the present Anglo-Irish Agreement) can be made effec- tive.
In the meantime Mr Lyndon might visit Ulster and its people and perhaps learn what the true issues are.
David Conway
London Borough of Enfield, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Middlesex