LORD NAPIER has no sooner set his foot in China, than he is in- volved in a quarrel with the authorities of the country. By the laws of the Celestial Empire, no foreigner is allowed to reside at Canton during the dead season of the year, that is, from March until November. During this long interval, all must reside at the half-Portuguese half-Chinese establishment of Macao, about one hundred miles down the river. Neither can any European hold direct intercourse with the Viceroy, and still less with the Imperial Court. Every communication must be made through the Hong or licensed merchants ; who, by the laws of the empire, are not only traders, but also to a certain extent customhouse and police-oflicers. The very first thing which Lord NAPIER does, is to Set both these laws at defiance. He insists upon taking up his residence at Canton ; he insists upon communicating directly with the Viceroy without the intervention of the licensed mer- cpants ; and he threatens to bring two English frigates into the river, under the walls of the city, in order to enforce his demand. The Viceroy immediately has recourse to the usual practice on .such occasions, of stopping the trade. This game at brag had often before been played by the East India Company's Factory, always without success, and on every occasion at a heavy loss. The trade upon more than one occasion has been suspended for not less than six months together. To the East India Company such an occurrence would cost in demurrage alone about a quarter of a million sterling, independent of the interest of a eargo worth a couple of millions, and enormous factory charges. Under the present system, the loss to the private merchant and to the con- sumer will be on a proportional scale ; not to mention, that a voyage which may be performed, with a fair monsoon, within four months, will take six when the season is lost. Already the price of tea has risen in the City, by fourpence the pound, in conse- quence of the intelligence of the trade being stopped, which on the probable free-trade consumption for the year, of 40,000,000 lib. weight, will make between 600,0001. and 700,000/. sterling. The whole export and import trade of the British nation in China, in all its branches, will be arrested by the measure of Lord NAPIER; and this amounts, in round numbers, to about twelve millions a year. It is evidently, then, a bold and hazardous measure for a novice to embark in. His Lordship has been probably influenced by the advice of the Company's Supercargoes, who are associated with him, as well as by that of the resident merchants, who, irritated by constant experience of the provoking and insulting character of the Chinese laws, are keen advocates of coercion. Lord NAPIER is now committed, and cannot recede with honour ; nor indeed, for that matter, without placing himself in a worse position than he would have been had he not threatened at all. The threat of
bringing the frigates under the walls of Canton, is impracticable; for there is not depth of water to bring them, in an efficient state, within fifteen miles of the city. Still, should he come in any way to blows, it is by no means improbable but he may succeed in hectoring the blustering but cowardly Chinese into good terms. This was effected to a certain extent by the .Alceste frigate, under Sir MURRAY MAXWELL; and repeatedly during the voyages of the Amherst and Sylph, on the North coast of China. If this very doubtful policy was to be pursued at all, it was certainly best to commence it with the beginning of the new system of in- tercourse. Its success will almost wholly depend upon the firm- ness and perseverance of the Superintendent ; and, considering that the Superintendent is a NAPIER, there can be little doubt ness and perseverance of the Superintendent ; and, considering that the Superintendent is a NAPIER, there can be little doubt that these qualities will be duly exerted. The Chinese authorities, in terror of the loss of their heads and their lucrative offices, will be disposed to put up with almost any insult, provided they can patch up a colourable case ter representation to the Imperial Court. The battering of the walls of Canton, the loss of many lives, and an important change in our commercial relations, would not, however, be such a case as could be concealed; and if such an event happened, the Court of Pekin would be driven, in self- defence, to hostile measures, which would involve this country in a serious, although we still think but a temporary collision. The American trade will be the great gainer by the quarrel. It will go on while ours is suspended. Whatever advantage is conceded to us, will be equally conceded to them on the termination of the dispute ; and, it' we gain none, they will be in no worse position than they are in now.