Cb R Court.
Tun Royal pair remain at Brighton, in their usual health, and fol- Chain-pier, accompanied by Earl Howe (her Chamberlain) and Miss Hope Johnstone. In allusion to the supposed......
Int Countrp.
The supporters of Mr. E. J. Stanley gave him a public dinner at Dukinfield on Thursday week ; Mr. Charles Hindley, M. P., in the chair. Mr. Gisborne of Derbyshire was also among......
Mr. Morton, A Worceatershire Attorney, Obtained A Verdict...
Court of King's Bench on Monday, against the Earl of Liverpool, for the breach of a warranty of a mare sold by the defendant. The evi- dence, as usual in horse cases, was very......
Int Gictrapaiii.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, at which Sir R. C. Glynn's resignation of the Aldermanic gown was announced ; and Alderman Ansley, as the senior, declared his intention......