A Book of Trades, suited to the improved character of
the school and nursery library, was a desideratum, which Messrs. Grurne of Glasgow have supplied, in a clear and concise epitome of the arts of civilized life. The various trades are separately described and arranged in classes: for example, those relating to food, clothing, shelter, travelling, the working of minerals, and the liberal arts, are grouped together. The work is compiled from authentic and recent sources ; and its information appears to be correct as far as it goes; which is generally as far as young readers are likely to follow. The phraseology might have been more simple, even though the subject is technical ; but children now adays are accustomed to the style scholastic, and make nothing of ponderous words. The volume, a square duode- cimo, very well printed, is illustrated by a score of neat copperplates, by MILLER, of Edinburgh, and a great number of wood-cuts.