The victorious Liberals of Fife give a grand dinner to
their gal- tint Member, Captain WEMYSS, on the 12th instant. Besides the Captain himself, his excellent and influential supporter, Mr. ROBERT FERGUSON, and probably other Members of Parliament, will be present. The opportunity should not be lost of urging upon all of them the aecessity of being in their places in the House on the 19th, to vote for A BERCROMBY and against the Ultra-Tory nominee of WELLINGTON. We are no strangers to the convivial propensities of the men of Fife; but on this occasion we trust they will not prolong their festivities beyond two days at the most, as in that case some of their Represen- tatives will scarcely be in condition to avail themselves of the easy and comfortable conveyance of the Leith steamer on Saturday the 14th, or even to mount on the top of the mail on Monday the 16th. With regard to Captain WEMISS, indeed, we are under no apprehension ; as we doubt not that, with such a motive for exertion, be would gallop the whole distance on horseback in forty-eight hours, and think nothing of the feat.