Arrived-At Gravesend, Feb. 1st, Courier, Palmer, from the Cape; 24. ValleyAeld., Swintou, from Madras; Emulous, Wellbank ; and Penyard Park. Middleton, from Mattritius; 3d, Damson. DWASOR. from Manilla; and 5th, Frances. Kirks's, from Man- flails. At Deal, 3d, Seppings, Freeman, from City Ion; and 5th, Glenalvon, Skinmer. from the Cape. At Liverpool. 1st, Indian, Mackay. from Manilla. At St. Belem,. Dee. 5th, Ceylon. Batty, from Mauritius; 14th, Matilda. Cumin, from the Cape. At the Cape, Nov. 18th. Larkins, Ingram ; and Dec. 24. Zenubia, Owen, from Lemke*. At Canton, June 21st, Washington, Jefferson ; and 234, Spartan, Ltonstlen, from Liver- pool ; July 19th. Nile, Hepburn. from London ; 224, (!ily of Abonteen , Munro. host Liverpool ; Aug. lath, York, Sterling, from ditto; and 1601, Berwickshire. Thomm, from Loudon. Sailed-From Gravesend. Feb. 24, Pyramus, Weller. for Singapore; 3d, The Soo*, Brown, for the Cape; sth. Batavia, Blair, for Batavia; and 5th4Florentia, DelsItter„ for New South Wales.