The new Adelphi burletta Leoline, or Life's Trials, is a
version of a French piece; the chief characters of which are so well suited to the talents of the company, that it succeeded more by dint of clever acting than from any inherent merit or interest in the drama. Mrs. Yates is the heroine; a suffering, patient wife, reduced from affluence to extreme pi - verty by her husband's folly, and restored to competence by one of those. rich uncles that are always at hand on the stage to succour the distressed. 0. Smith is the tempter, who graduates in crime from gambler to cheva- lier d'industrie, galley-slave, burglar, and murderer; and looks as much a mauvais sujet in full dress as in the felon's rags. Wright as a dancing.. master, with an ad libitum part that affords scope for his drolleries, and Kiss Woolgar and Munyard, contribute to the merriment.