_ The Last Of The Buchanites.
THE Dumfries Courier announces the death of the last of the " Buchanites." This was a sect founded in the eighteenth century, by a female of the name of Buchan, who believed......
Germany: The Third Centenary Of Luther's Death-day.
EXTENSIVE preparations are on foot in many parts of Germany to celebrate the three-hundredth anniversary of the death of Luther. In most other cases a sense of incongruity would......
English Opinion Of America.
Wrrniat these few years public opinion in England respecting the United States of America has undergone a great change. Men may regret this, or rejoice at it ; there may be......
Great Advantages Are Gained By Having Labourers Of...
in a Tropical European settlement. There is then little probability of combinations taking place for the purpose of raising wages to an exorbitant amount, or for en- forcing any......