[TO ran E211701 ON DIE "Srmcroroa."]
Sim—With reference to your excellent suggestion that, in order to avoid civil war, Ulster should become to all intents and purposes a county of England, will you permit me to make the further suggestion that Wales should be handed over to Mr. Redmond in exchange and become a province of Ireland P This would get over his difficulty of finance which would occur if Ulster were excluded, and the least return the Welsh Nonconformists can give the Nationalists for their aid in regard to the "Robbery of the Church Bill" is that they should allow themselves to be taxed for the benefit of Home Rule. And in order to ease the Nonconformist consciences of those gentlemen who object to museums being erected with the money robbed from the Church, it might be a good idea to spend the money in building " Bethels " all over Ireland, on the principle of blockhouses (their architecture is identical), previous to a sweeping movement designed to crush out Roman Catholicism. I think the Rev. Dr. Clifford said some little time back that no efforts should be spared in this direction.—