We Must Ask To Be Excused From Summarizing For The
third time all the old points, exploded stories, wild guesses masquerading under the guise of statistics, and allegations that beg the question in every line. The only new part......
At Glasgow On Wednesday Mr. Lloyd George Made The Speech
on the land question which had been so long and so eagerly expected. Whether it will satisfy the Single Taxers remains to be seen. For ourselves, we can only say that Mr. Lloyd......
Important Statements Were Made By Grand-admiral Von...
von Jagow, the Foreign Secretary, in the debate on the Navy Estimates in the Budget Committee of the Reichstag on Wednesday. Grand-Admiral von Tirpitz declared that while the......
The Fourth Thing To Be_ Done, We Are Told, Is
to make the land contribute to public expenditure on the basis of its real value. In other words, there is to be the taxation of land values. This means that if a man has got a......
We Are Not Particularly Alarmed By Mr. Lloyd George's...
unjust stories of the Sutherland clearances, clearances which, if . the truth be told, were made very much on the principle on which the Congested Districts Board acts. This......
Sir Edward Grey, As The Guest Of The Manchester Chamber
of Commerce, made en important speech on Tuesday. Expenditure on armaments was not a British but a Euro- pean question, and a remarkable thing about it was that while any large......
It Is Announced That If Circumstances Permit The King And
Queen will visit the French President in April. It will be remembered that M. Poineare visited England last June. We are sure that the reception of the King and Queen will be......
On Wednesday The Lord Mayor Presided At A Very Repro.
sentative and influential meeting held at the Mansion House in support of the appeal that is being made on behalf of the fund raised to celebrate the Hundred Veers' Peace among......