Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund for January, 1914.
(Office of the Fund. 2s. net.)—The Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund make the very interesting announcement that during the winter months the survey of the country lying between the south end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean and southward to Kadesh Barnea will be carried oat. In an article on " The Desert of the Wander- ings" Sir Charles Watson explains the reasons which make this little-known region full of interest to students of Biblical history. After the march from Sinai, the Israelites are stated to have halted for about thirty-eight years in the country round about Kadesh Barnea, before proceeding on their journey to Mount Hor. There is but little information in the Bible as to what the Israelites were doing during this tong period of waiting, and it is hoped that the new survey may throw some light on the question.