Mr. Asquith's political programme has distinctly emerged from his speeches
at Paisley. As regards the proposed nationalization of the coal-mines, he says that if by national- ization is meant the possession by the State of mineral rights, he is in favour of it ; but if nationalization means the working of the mines by the State, ho is againat it. We entirely agree with him. As regards a capital levy, Mr. Asquith has not committed himself. He does not reject the principle of a levy, but he confesses that so far he has not heard of a scheme which could be made to work. Ho offers women equality of opportunity in all occupations and professions, including the Civil Service. He desires a new grading of the Income Tax with a higher exemption-limit. As for Ireland, he pro- poses that she should have Dominion Home Rule, with rights over Customs and Excise, but that this form. of Homo Rule should be only a part of a genets' devolution of powers within the United Kingdom. He has in effect declared for Federalism.