We Are Afraid That The Whole Business Of Demanding The
surrender of the war criminals, including the Kaiser himself, has been allowed to get into a sorry mess. We are anxious that the war criminals should be brought to trial, not at......
Reasonable Or Effectual Action More And More Difficult.....
posal of the Kaiser's person ought to have been the subject of a special clause in the Peace Treaty. As for the rank-and-file of criminals, it is plain that delay has been a......
The Allied Council In Paris On Monday Announced That The
Allies would not agree to the re-establishment of the Hapsburg dynasty in Hungary. They did not wish to prescribe a Constitu- tion for the Magyars, but the choice of a Hapsburg......
News Of The Week.
O N Wednesday Baron von Lersner, the German representative in Paris, handed back to M. Millerand the list of German officers and officials whose surrender is demanded by the......
Why Should Not The Allies Put Into Force As Soon
as possible the clause in the Peace Treaty which provides for a Permanent Court of International Justice ? Although the functions of the Court are vaguely described, it is laid......
A Trial Is Also Important From The Military Point Of
view. Every war begins where the last left off. A judicial condem- nation of the criminals would rehabilitate much more surely and more promptly than any other method that is......
Esthonia Signed A " Permanent Armistice Treaty " With The
Bolsheviks at Dorpat on Monday. The Bolsheviks agreed to recognize the independence of Esthonia, and to pay the little State fifteen million gold roubles as her share of the......
The Visit Of The New Rumanian Premier, Dr. Vaida-voeved, To
London has enabled leading members of the various Churches in Great Britain to draw his personal attention to the imnortance of relit ions liberty. The Rumanian occupation of......
The Crushing Criticism Of " Too Late " Must Be
written over the whole of the Allies' dealings with Germany about the .war criminals. Sir Auckland Geddes in a speech on Wednesday said that Holland would be pressed to give up......
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