The architect and the speculative builder are the joint villains
of The Working Woman's House, by A. D. Sanderson Furniss and Marion Phillips (Swarthmore Press, is. 6d. net), and the working woman the much-wronged heroine. The architect is supposed to hold proudly aloof from any intercourse with the future tenants of his cottages and to be devoid of imagination. The speculative builder perhaps more justly deserves castigation, though now he is dead the poor house-hunter must think of him and his "desirable residences to let" with a wistful regret. We are here told what a working-class dwelling should be, from the working woman's point of view. It is very much what every intelligent architect would strive to provide, if the funds were ever forthcoming. The book is largely based on the answers to a well-conceived questionnaire that was widely circulated amongst working women. They are questions that every intend- ing constructor of what the Master Builder called " Homes for
Happy Human Beings " will do well to consider :-
" I. What are the chief defects of your [present] house ? 2, Which do yon think is the most convenient place for the bath—upstairs or down, in kitchen or separate room ?
3. Do you want hot water laid on ?
4. Do you want a bath even if hot water is not laid on ? 5. Do you like a house with—
(a) One living room and a scullery kitchen ?
(b) A small kitchen and a scullery separate from it ?
6. Do you like the parlour and living room about the same size ; or a large living room and a small parlour ? - 7.- Do you think it best to have most of the cooking done in the scullery with the use of gas or electricity, or do you prefer it to be done in the living room ?
8. What kind of flooring do you like in your scullery—tiles or other material ? 9. Do you like to have fittings for cooking by gas, electricity, or coal ?
10. Where do you think the larder should be ?
11. Do you like—
(a) A well-fitted wash-house, with all appliances, for several houses ?
(b) A copper of your own in the scullery ? (c) A copper in an open shed outside ? 12. What rooms do you want cupboards in, and what kind of cupboards ?
13. What fittings or labour-saving appliances would you like to have ?
14. Do you like sash or casement windows ?
15. Do you want an outside shed for bicycles, prams, &e. ?
16. Do you prefer—
(1) A cottage ? (2) Cottage flats (one upstairs and one downstairs) (3) Tenement flats ?
17. Would you like a garden to yourself, or a big garden attached to several houses ?
18. Do you like a garden in front of the house ? "