,This week has been one of renewed uneasiness regarding the Turkish•
question. The public, who had latterly been large buyers of the English.Funds, have atlength become Sellers ; and a considerable amount Of Reduced. and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents changed hands. The more importance: has been attached to such operations as identifying them with distrust; from; the fact of the proceeds having been in several cases invested in Eithequir Bills ; which have advanced to 7 10 pm. As these, seenritiesinsare repayd- ment to the holders in March and June, they afford a safe refuge for the timid in times of political commotion. In the absence of other intelligence, the principal transactions have been based upon the increased uneasiness in Paris and Vienna, the decline in French Stocks, the adverse state of the Aus- trian money-market, as well as the continued rise in the markets for Russian produce. Consols have ranged between 93i and 92f ; and the fluctuations have been frequent. Business, however, has been limited, owing to the de- tention of the mails by the snow-storm. Occasional strength has been im- parted to the Funds through the probability of the severity of the weather causing a suspension of hostilities in the East. The tendency of the foreign exchanges generally, continues in favour of this country. The shipments of
spepie.thin.weekteindinend chinehave amounted to 235,9001. chiefly in sil- ver. Gold ornatinuesnasivn,fromNew.Y..ork. This has been the first private
transfer-d4 , sbjting of the Bankbooks: *vi ends will be pahrto tior.pp pq Me
The tolleiviq was21# nedt 'Friday respecting South Sea Stock,
'and comealinte atiebliday--44"ilieTitectors of the South Sea Company give notiOf tbtith wifliakO' eibtaliiiee•ort and after the 6th of January nextotr the seeurity'of &nth See Stock,:at theinte of NO per cent, to such proprietare as. may give-three dap?: -notioe le the Cashier of the Company. The terins.trpon• which_ such: advances will be made may be ascertained at the, South Bea ,HOustr."...- The Company heldn:Ceurt.yesterday, at which a diVisiend, was declared of 1 per cast for the hal,f7Year. - Respecting the ad- vances on the; Stock at 4 per cent, it was zuentiqued that they were for a peraed of two. months, expiring in February, withoat;the pledge of their con- tinuing elle+ that time, ornt tim same rate of infeimst, 'Today, therlievenee-teteiliit considered satiafeefary ; but a further full of morn- ing as low:11092: ; 'trent WM& thq- at 9211: Bank in:French' Rentcs Ma:id:400:414s lower they -iogoe4ne in the_ morn- Stdek his Vialatered!" "e E.' "1 1 " 'Tke trisAsticlions iii.VertigrffitbekkilaVie beirettiltapdftiinti; a titaness has preitIled-throughout the .weeily and ;the.' folloWing. three; deelined•-•d-Russian_
Founandta-.half per Centri,AUlatustriium, Braidliana:Swedisht and Pe- teyomPoukittretrashalf getaiss le•:•Dtitch Your, Spanieh Thneii per Cents, 140.1teferrelli ercefleand Mexico), is.inepertod that the
• lintiscensideratien the cleinunof the holders Appsm. ;Although little ira rtance is attached 8r4,1114001:3'e. Pil ° :"Sh411.9alh" to suc an i n ion, rom tire uncertainty of the MiOi,ry remaining in office, it haat tin.iniphepcnsTuhisitfieidit ttlhinaete.teh'e Cit" mm itteeof geedtidders should again
Nietthiit-apliatiE iitfit _tftkennt . Adviees from
ViitetItondaV;eK lean for 5000,0001. isholtelated. - tee%ed
3w&rtio-frobi- Metied 'by the packet amounted te130,49111tkillitegi9 Oeilti,ftlirbefplueed te 'the aci.ount of: jecker, Torre, and Co. ; which added to formaiirecraptaalltnutety •tterthe advance made by this firm. The assumption of monarchical power by Santa AnIntiftlahaidateit Retain.. ' -; i: 6 10 •-ciliLi,:.-?cran '31 0,r5.9 ,c11,!.., )J. o. i : /44i1'YWilav&benn*.fevattra!ilY., tffenteditkitthit lisief igensels i- a 7rally had nicreamd, %eat...W.-esteem ciord 4 ,i, ,on.mniNortli-Western, oceareenmiyeesewerli huton4 efnshert prip,I. y.the.-depression•
1021';''‘'rIlInlian,cfp., 611. In some of,the` a ing' hide, , lii.M 'decline conmared: ivith'llud' Satin-411Ni veS- to the fond' big "extent-,Clieiter and Holyhead, and North Britteh; 2/..- 'Londoli,' BrIghton; and Staid(' Ocelst, 1/. 10s. ;_ Bristol 'and Eater; Gt4at -Weil:ern; Thrienehir-e and 'Itififichire, Midland, . and Yikk ; and 'Werth" Midland; It...,1Caledoilian,;"and London end North- - Western, 15s. • London and South-Westerni'and-flonth-Eastani, 10s. The depression in ioreign Shares has been—Paris and Orleans, Paris and Rouen,„ : and Southern of Frame, ,11:1; Liienibourg,.,Pirris -.anti Strabane& :' Rouen. and Havre, : and ,.Westerri '' of Fasnee, 108. ; Paris-r and ,Lyons, 7a. 6d.; Northern of France, Os. Today the English lines ' biy,erneeded Ws,. in -
several instances. Foreign Shares also are lower. - ; -..;; ; „..-, ,
SATTRDAY, TAtylf,prpporic. . The English Fends are very heavy this morning; and hive deelined f : Consols are now 94 i for Money and 92i 1 for Account. Excheiiner•EiUs- - 710. French Stoke came *Abut la lower. The bullion-return by the Bank of . England thews an blot:ewe of 33;8581. - Foteige:Stocke have not altered: Railways lire very-flat; the present' *tarns have ben these—Earitern . Counties, l2; London. • and Blackwell,.71;;Midlerid,:",.114•• Manchester,. Sheffield, and Lincoln, 20; York and North- Midland,: 46i. • . - ' ' ;.....- 2 BATOR:TAW , ,tvc. 6 weibes: The English Funds have continued. week, ;and close 'abort !ii, lower: :. Con-, !, soli are now 94 I for Money, and 94 i for Amount. Eselinquer Bills -6 P. ' Foreign Stocks have been very heavy, and a decline in the- oltreiginghas oe- curred—Belgian,.Danish-Five, Dutch Tweind-a-half, Per ' Wenn-and-a- - half per Cent, atidDeferred, Russian Four,and-a-half ner,.... s,and. span- i'sh Deferred, '1; Ditto Three per Cents,1 ; Dutch`FoAir ,per Ceirta, and_ /laic* f.---'"' .. ' -' ;;;, Railways are lower, in connexion with other markets, hut business has been rather limited ; the latest transactions have-been-In-am following— • Aberdeen, 20; Ambergate, Notts, IlOstaa, nee Eastern Junction, 41; Cale- donian, 511; Chester and Holyhead, t•14UPEastem Counties l2; Edin- burgh ana Plasg9:7ftir, a"' Gr4f trieff3 §41,41; Di. .440fj4.8011 4,,,P0-• ferred, 691; DAM an-tharee 4per„sizliii,_ . „..r sad ti Western; (Ireland,) 104:,; Great astern, 2":, ,TAM-As rested. er 83; London and BlackwalV8;-,:tondou, ' . gilt:Mil-Mid nth ' ceat, London -and.North-Weeterin.191l; Londorenneflififtlitifeaern, 751; Ilan- • ohesteri-SheffielcVatidlleeolnslifte20 ; ididitind; 80k ;='NOtili Veinal', 28; - Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 341;„ South-Eastern; 59f ; 'Vale of ' Neativ.14I ii Yeill, Nawastle; muldbitwiek,1621 'York and Node:Midland, 44.iCaledomani.99; Northern:6f France;184;,Parit and:Lyons, $14; Paris - and-Strasbourg, 24; Sombre, and Meuse,. 4.....Mines=Braxi1irurOeirensined.; Cuisthe, 4 - ,..)'%restliariposa,-1., Miscellaneeus—Australian Agricutpria4-39„; - Crystal Paiage,:6; South"Australian,Land, .35, .• - .
3 perV.entconsols 92-1 i Danish Spec Cents- -.., '' .. ' . i ros Baltic:, d'.1 .;
3 per Cent Deduced 3) peieents 0211 . Dutch 14 isr. '
92 , Ditto 4 per,te,n , „ • ' ,.,- o i „ -,. nIfftke„,15-x4.:- 93 Mexicana petvberitW .... : . 4, -3t Long Annuities if 5-16 Pernsien•Aitief,Cretiti ', ' 0 63 3, - Bat* Stock. 217 IS Ditho Bernmi1 3sitiCents . :II ,46- 8 -. . Exchequer Bills Ii 9 rorAlguese A.per Cents.... 494 ex, d.- Indta-Stock ' — Itusiian'51*t' Oenti q11 44 r Anitrian 6 per Cents 91 3 ex 0 Dltt6.41per Cents'''. WA •ex:-11. , • Belgian 41 per Cents 117 9 soantims paneents - :cd34
a.1■e .
Brsailian.5 per Ctints 94 6 Dit,toDeferrnd ‘
Clasp 6 per_Cents., 101 3 Sardinian 5. per ent.,-. ' 8 1 • Dinisti 5 per t enti ' Swedish 4 per Cents t.:11.0,4_
.". ' ....