- The authorities of Glasgow, -headed by the Lord Tbovost; formally - opened the Victoria Bridge on Monday. • Highteen 'years ego, on New- Year's Day, the GlasgortfBridgetavas......
The Members for Oxford City—Mr. Edward Cardwell and Mr. James Langston—dined with some of their constituents, -members of the "An- gent Druids," on Monday. There were about one......
The obituary contains a :record - of the death of - William Conyngham Plunket, Baron Plunket, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. Lord Plunket played re , varied and......
Auttigt.,, Itablopviiiiiiiii4 1 ,, Pasoccs.-1"aris Has...
Emperor and Empresi held a levee:at - the Tuileries on Sunday. , Standing 'nnder a rtoir riarropy,Llhey: received the Mialeties; the 'great military, naval, civil, and judicial......