AuTtigt.,, ItAblopVIIIIIIIII4 1 ,, Pasoccs.-1"aris has beedgerwitliothal . festivitiee rit r the New Year. The
Emperor and Empresi held a levee:at-the Tuileries on Sunday. ,Standing 'nnder a rtoir riarropy,Llhey: received the Mialeties; the 'great military, naval, civil, and judicial pehtientsiandlhe 'diploinatie hOdy,-. To each of the 49.,m0FI.he Earipmeweaextreniely polite. He wail:" overhertrd " saying, "1 aurce,rely hopebt-01'l*able..1.91,Laitus4ain the relations of amity which now 4914 between my- Gp/erriznent and the Sovereigns whose epresentativen. yeu .ere " ; and, tenimgcto the:OttomareArnheseaclor, he added, "My go wishes, my syropethissi and MY effOrfa IRe in-fan:dm -of your Sovereign; and you will be goad owner to connnunicateArrhat I Bay to hiroil a On.the same everringi,thafPrinnean Misthiide -gate a grand reception: . The Empress 'danced withilie:dEtierileff: ',On -Monday Wight there was ahoth'er levee Atli& Taileriii-IivbedtlieneVeDtfert "Irtiantlea" siti±4.c#(.1 'were worn. ThtbididalWerdfliak ,1 theritlie -gentlemen.. Abont two thousand persdhfriefritleri "T "iiiiik'orthe Empress, ten feet . .? 711..) i .'11.:W1112.1 ......: ..... . leng, w" borne it -N, .714e,15: ' ..._,_i33 _qtlyi___ko w' I ii: ■ Tuegse.—The hateingence fremIumegeskeeep/of 1'9aq:0M:to the 25th December ; but it throyor little lighteapoito the .itotuelepeeition of affairs either as regards war ordiplomacy,-.Abisiarelingto, one account, it is not the Vienna note whicivrthe:ttotte -haanbeeir;eopsideringi..birtola-lirotd,tive- _Belated by Lord Stesitforil seine timeiego.0',Ii is etited tliaVed,iedefUtion to.treat,..bnt to ecintiane tbdIvirir at the -- seine tinie,!:,sorteconatred by the General Council,' ar Turldsii:tateniblfof natiblet;:brrih(Nit3t14' find-that on the 228 December; it'ents:nottffeattrthe tepregentitifed ofrtlicIll'idhr .Powers..- The ,Porte is reasly tetteat, but refutes Qini.artalitice..(1.11efdre . the publication of' thin teleolutien,t certain ill oftdsvoi atudbiate, excited by some of the fanatic 17Iemas, fautbrokenoabitelfreitind,of-intattrection; which, however, was quelled awithqutatotexthet, j5ThrgrouTerlkielt, geom. frigates,. end; it is rend, "%,a divititon QM/01114 fiestaionere brought up from Beuxesil ilutthemelideation of .00dtinAVIIiPalf cabnedithe public -wind: and lane hundreds of tbe.eueited atud8utiPipAibeol4gy.N-ers4aned _under arrest.._ ,111 .iai gLaT OLI.1 It...kV:Jai- 112,711Li ..1.1: .kl, IterAge NPPAPIIISf they -Pa'. re. Rrfnr-
Which-bad existed betweea
Turkish Charge d'Affaira,sx:Asta 4if
GoYerOmeOtr.did. nC4 t•Li4P , Two timins have been ?ocliBet?vitiVtdore °di nonliatilit:t4ra n priyileges, the other ,deAred.A.134.A.,%uggirareelawyeatiei rP."71alfbd void, bet announced th Serf* e*.gruif denrin Ti.414qteettee. ot
Powers. . .
• Russia.—Pireperations for the coining wan. are carried on with great earnestness in Russia; as will 110 seen; froncAre,,foligering extract-of letter, dated St. Petersburg, December 25, and published in theTOnes.-_, " There reigns here at this moment, iis.ahl branches of thepublic Service, a movement and activity, of which there has been no example ranee the pre- parations of the army in 1812: On .seeing-how the mita/ and the Offcirta of the entire nation are turned-towards War, '-nne Weald Say that Russia thinks herself on the eve of a new invasion. Bach day nurneronsfekitineties (cou- riers) leave for every part of the empire to tauten on the armaments. Agents are sent about everywhere to wake up the fanaticism and ferocity of the Or- thodox population, and to rouse from the very depths of Asia the hordes of Kirghese, Mongols, and Tartars, and precipitate them On the Indus, with the hope of the sack and pillage of the British Presidencies." From Warsaw we learn that all the soldiers on furlough in the Russian army have been recalled ; the reserve of the sixth corps of infantry of the Caucasus, and the supplementary divisions of the whole active array, ball ken put in motion. With respect to the entrance °father defilAkIttq withq1AffOkbAllti POWX. It.RA§1,42141te woiird enter on, 44i or 4 i,letroneyb warded to tha',,,k been leveret:we, A Ru. pheres, and hullo= ceptuied.
There is no intelligreeemle
Large reinfaremnents, ' schakolf; tuitously ,cree the Danube at. Aurep dislattgeathec
. The llewe Y to be in a steteefi; a Abdi Pachdhae, ceganit.Ig
M. Rear' offi d'secteeet for Persia and Afgharkiaterf,ilee he is accompanied pected at Teheran ontim Charge d'Affaires in Persia, The EmPerer $fiti seas o iffitatii flifin Eel clergy. '711"le' fd Al, " lat Vilodiue zee The Emp _ , . R 1 P riffildef,f1 congratulatintiflit eta .1 lie 2,' . • ',..•• i hi% 1 Schangyl,", : ,,. .:. „ ipper t; the Ttirlaila 1 s q -a an h no :Onset ., . Ii; IF, .7itiiti'matflintatiVtagAwei Pectiliti-i hey, and addresse to the Governments .f gurope a de larat in identical-451mile 110-iffitffilcUPWZ.§erfe, qlt; • ' .* -1 peiidinrIORrtsi '11: ' C AVI "Wf 1 and inntatIlaile-lveas rigligli, ilffi t 'PM% .., ,e A , tV ilSt 1 thilva - i teers„ Denmark, however, will not admit vessels eV tiSt iff8 AitiPtliel port of Christiansoe, use-rifs-,,Z,Sffife prison,- a-aid Sweden will not permit! foreign vessels in her harboi.elppkililf within the line of her forts. All,traliugoviliqbelopelmiftedveximPtaiii „ther„antlitidincentrabirul of :War. The two steams's* rneedidildw ..prizeelto the :.tolieti airni 'hold ireftheir Adniiiallit IlenksfsbenItidscholicnissertul,glintlliameitelliasenaltiniade I, any direct attempts to obtain from the Baltic states the closing of their pelts againat.Ttet§hagq11811itykfltessalfhPf(W4.4•2 Icluilual-qi, -eossci0 miT ,GsnArattn--estinearcrurgntoothe Raids culitivaie Bathe Auilatia and:Pratssia arelabontrtqweillt dolasgapthee fodingctindisa,stnibuntwf -Wry millions of florins at 5 per cent, a portion of which will be approptistechee theTity- LangifltAbtiffaatli Reis anPiftsV8t %CAW 11togiaii AkeestoPliokStlist all, nwsMs tifg AO tixtbei*Istriallettookarcemurthos@Acialactni.:Etailk- . fort, and Faris, not relishing the plan. ne,anganA,9figpastiagtaralean
it not stated.
According to . • Ge nappeas the A jail...Padget for 1854 will show a deficit of . II it ti al atria 44504i1I iit)liffithe ordinary service , antfiRofP/OARO'lliorklai-.04190i,990i0i-enextraoiditatel; amosultAhat MAydaatlictootootitinaerataatnepha, lanottalAyAq.oetIntanforctiluirefusaInf theaeggnepANIIIVICe Oh dme i akdr etallad*oeuterdota accentuation a new loan** thaiiiefelitisadetinunniaatal filaihut bur ,lib ,hor.rm .. friblAVYL;1. titPainito e . 'a-1W iirliiii6irtgaid)etittaiiifest t 4 ' tiel..3 h AA ' - liPVitilrftd i iltiii s spiehlf4hilNid "P19711Ptitiaisutre*Viiteld'Iil Mich la' 4. .441lheabtitigkibifT! I 'allei iii4ealtitathe Slide, 1149'tt49411iires, andthelretietitsatiliPA001051.4 lea ibratefidlebfet1258, II* ,'' y, i13,8917,4Kindivresefor the cirslinary bapenstli,iiind*14.5519Za forithaeactraordi- maul!, if eufshiefpaili theaeintfinbersgaiththosemf 18534(ive finaial ditninu- #.93ik lebtkatlallPiPseitliftAlROS)tlieresi tlitlumbla..tiaernnmalt anattigment- a#PA.; ■the$ DulfYnefirr415.64 40"VOW% tio-VM-PitioigssAiks41/1S- °"% IT 4MAI itgbill „ iR.-Alf% 'Alf 4 PesWilliw4Cattse ivt;iiirestlft na way. tree •a tig O'cffilliaf- r •Ft —.*.lifiv , fiP140 : -'
18,000,000 in e ordtgglistibeeljpoliweAori ,iluretid ratItiati ii Eu. 1 a i thCl'e PE
1. r•
- naiite Was not lappewiditb'tho itearemiorldtiliaFiveveride Efaliiiew, stpar, ' the i,desirea balaneehetween,itheipiffilick.reeeiptatuldlexpeases siaaWbeLimmedi-• atelrobtainukbr,that:MrysimplefflasafetelasPessitielsOw AUft A110:,i7 ' 1144411%ilowatiryIsdleet been.spanieti ,•rEseiteddbythMpriestn; cubed)* • of ' ntgentkehawed,thernselves ate thelirallokt 4 Aosta, it throe point `g+91413111vpotistliKkatt ttIVWw-!Nvitlietbuirsta.stitiutimi3 litaizaint tkilect,liVIIIS ligviTwawiere ptomptlyithiek hp,the Inatudantolavreit, ethe BoNattalikeiskein iteathoritissi .i4t/the eight: of theaialidP tbs rioter gitve iwey.,ei Mout two,ilatandiedcpeasante-1..ited,sit:tnissiejazerii larrested. Theeintestnnelies%taifeepthatelltwaatracquit rEerualU nitenal arl3 ''.,, .1-, .•,. ,--%iThedllepaIonforad searTeChate-WpOtWoolioaPeardiaalni-Stimelliand Pieei,Ati A;10711±theiltafvtoocAmoibbtib 4ivinoigsoia6siopreseht,jaias Piineear 'WilliihnoofiltrossIa,safarsliiitlarilidea/111 RErelt,tbillitlity41
• , •,,,•,•
bflfbreils-th(thividtitjigiAllittillibilielhallikt011etbalied•ar:fattratity anTaag+ Bah convert, Abbot of the Trappist monastery of St. Bernardirs-Leloiatter, • shim Jibe. 2dokihirth pteichtablirott elocwsitains si-li el iss leii4d-iii• litIM11 Tebiled ffile5'etip9n1 ';:iltd.„ , ttra.qt t *der." : • ,L -ma . 7So&if' sans 'of 34,144Y o names of long and it 1116 see Vern fugisive pro)fiidteil Eurq e ges.Yal4S2,,,11*.eti„.1.a,1 P,f-7?,aortikFf Europe 'qua, "adVoittliPriVlacrliad SeiZed La Pii,lierdoi ffiiiffieffe& that' ffl Minigtegat Mexico had placed her Majesty's ship Driver at the disposal of can Gefeffinitililly-lan& atitattincee thek th-ek"Atikerititm GOinkiinent have -Sent' fiCaaffift4 la 1116P tiWitlfeisailitict-tapttire-tif !Water and 114 gang.. rn. bode!l uq has ,c2 -mosatioo(1 cu,■ibl,ou Cune:2-41143..44h. .4: 1 1m Pr it..f.y4{..91iii-Oireo. The , the llth. Peiuela- has new Captain Gen e ;414.ale,r*Od'ileiiarted on , - 4j8004,NT-0- . kdprFd the military authorities to keep the most rigoraga„xyatch over the inhabitants, and to report daily all suspicious acts; a subsequent order all the Spaniards were forbidden on pain of death to leave the island. Two Creoles had been arrested at Cardenas on a charge of high treason. The brother of Pezuela, a man of noble and generous character, had been appointed Secretary of the military department. . JAMA.Tei.—The :Magdalena arrived at Southampton on Thursday, with the West India Mails. The advices from Kingston are to the 12th De- cember. In many respects the position of affairs in the island remained to all appearance much the same. For several days before the packet Ge r. pt Iftielf9kitif 4hilad'iatind - del- fts Ms the tlo 'fat' the 11141., . fdlt.Ce t till'Inown to :tfilq-Wfirgigiii BleqdOetihtlent: `11W-eothraftted'lipPoincted to consider Neill8kIheinlirortkfa6ribPy ififl Ilieefaren'gliggd'ililiecuasing the ques- lheigk4ertiiin' 'ffiffsscie had ifitaleil'relacitt, and tlieRtinae, in committee, had debated the sections of that report seriatim. They had agreed to a -itsoltition'anthoriziagtha•GoYernor trappoint t*Meflicials, as organs of scommunQation Initvreen the Governor and the Aimeinbly, at a salary of raffili. it-year-ea& i bat at this stage otthe piteleedingbi it seemed that the House was dissatisfied with its own work, and the whole matter was again referred back to the select eommittee.- The journals strongly object pia /niposed /ow failatic i I It ,WasLexpeoteit shot: ttualettaimittee would fecomin - ee Iliffiltetrial meribers at M stilrf Orgglainifyear each. '''' ' ' .it'av i-rigRiiii Mon 9 „.--Tin. Bo.phorns a Jati ,., on - xitisl, , ,,w; gga.c9Vown to qasPA Pie%qvi in, :, „rho °war .course.ote ears in the colpny neen,...upitn that period, ••913e of quietandprogress,,- The, registration ...4f fersous,Ritald to Note in the sereral electoral divisions .had,beem eomplotetl,;..aroi the-Governor bad appointed the returning-offiters,:the: polling.placeia and the period of ,eleetiohl-froin the -9th' to the '28th i January. • -FAutiatiOn was,iattraeting &inside-rabic attorttioia rand: at Cape troika- an assogiatien 'had 'been formed to build an institution similar to our Polytechnics, 'Aikrehiiins, --iuid Halls of Science. "The only thing," says the cle Tows Arad, "pt an adverse nature, at present spoken of, is it fatal disticid amen ,'t' ,' the horned cattle, said to have been imported with some diseased cattle from Hol- land_ , , " Oeneral Sir George _Cathcart eoutinues,to speak itopetfulki of the future state of the Border. The new arrangement and wekattsulmindatratioP. of ektaiy.e in Caffrsland, seem to bc peaceally; accini.Reeni mk Alie Caffres. Some , miensiness, dio_Wojcpr, is nat:Fally felt hy tnei coronas jit4,46:liaFIS,i' with- drawal of the troops,' after M fierce and prof:reeled a struggle with a aaruio race like the Caffres. • ' "In the Orange River Sovereignty, Sir 'George Clerk .proceeds steadily in maturing arrangements fur the withdrawal of British, authority from the . North side of the river. Nunicrauspetitione and Fementices against this , line of 13oliey have been siill.00 to be, tolie,4,:-.„ It is also subs ur proposed oesre pd to: ofontdshee: oPilatithlenehibfiitt:,:noatsfaoeornesgtealnitidessisnugb j teheneLg: ' "a nsle 1/4' . Sir George Clerk has had an interview with KOK:4k ffl'Ila.tberg. Tbe Coned had t rrel::::ipi217:: ishes_ and 1.'oll' short of the amount ex.peeted. Graham's wo„ a strong memoria1 to the Queen agaisstlspropped aliandorunent of the.Orange,Iliveveettiement had been arlopteal--,Thi,e 1: :