The Ilfoniteur of yesterday contained a circular from M. Dtonyn de'' Lhuys to the diplomatic agents of France, on the Eastern question. "Tire affairs of the East," Writes M. Drouya de Lhuys, " ate taking a tolsetis,.. Otis turn, not to recall your attention, even at the moment when mrcluxi,'. stances impose new duties npon the Government of his Inrierialliejeaty,- to the efforts which We have not teased to make, for the purpose ef pre- venting..t.he complications with which Europe is so seriensly mene"ced." He:Succinctly recimitniatee the eourie.of the negotiations from flic-bifin- ning, in a tone showing a strong desire on the part of the French Mere- nient to preserve peace. After touching upon the massacre of 87nope, IL Drouyir de Lhuys •anounces the course about to be immediately pursued—
"The French and English Governments have consequently decided
their fleets should enter the Black Sea, and combine their movementelh. a:manner as to prevent the territory or the Ottoman flag from being'eXpliseff to a new attack by the Build= navy. The Vice-Admirals Hamelin and Dundee have just received Orden:to eornniunicate to all those to wham it concerns; and-we hope that this loyal step will prevent confficti-whiefisisi; should see but with deep regret." '1 • , m`.1 CLI 11'7,4 (lathe text of the example; set by France in declaring-. to the natiort the Course of its Government—with a glance at a similar.exampleim. the part of Russia—the Timee.rearle a•homily enforcing the inexpediency and inconvenience of the officiali reserve ".itt which our Government perse-
veres,. to its ewu detriment, , , , •
• The llicwiteur of .today,publishes a decree milling into active smite all the y_ming soldiers available under the second portion of the-eMitingent'ef the class of 1852.