We are informed that Lord Harris,-whose period of service as
Governer of Trinidad will shortly -expire, has been offered the Governorship Of Madras. Lord Muria will, in all probability, be succeeded in Trinidad by Captain Charles Elliot, ft.N., now Governor of Bermuda.—Glok ' Doeuments appear in last night's Gazette showing that perfect reciprog city in trade between Great Britain and the Papal States, arrangeeby Cardinal Antoneili and:Mr. Searlett, has been ratified by the British a,;. vernment.
-kind of thaw,ap arently peculiar to the Metropolis, set in Yesterday"; but it does not seem to have reached the country: • CanYeyerreei *ere almost as scarce as ever; the footways anything but pleasant to travel over, the roads covered With muddy snow. In the afternoon there'Were sleet: rainang„.hre!ri Setah-west wind: The -railway .repo'r't of:thr is morning shows thereSumption of traffic on most of the lines; but the obstructions Were far from being entirely removed. flie floating ice in the Thames disappeared 'yesterday, and a large fleet of•eraft were-able-to Move. On both banks of the river the stationary ice atilt remained ; and above Kew the thaw produced little visible effect-,
4:regular thaw, accompanied by rain, set in this afternoon; The foot- ways 'and reeds of the Metropolis are rivulets of running water ; and the muddy " slush " is fast disappearing.
All round the coast there have been numerous wrecks, entailing the loss of many Hyde.
In Scotland and Ireland the weather has been equally severe; mails were late,-and the -varions lines of railway snowed-up in the cuttings.'
The ivied betireen Edinburgh and Aberdeen was blocked, and there was - - . - no communication with Inverness.
-Netween Thetford and the Harting road, on the Eastern Counties line, there'wen a collision on Thursday. The snow having been cleared from a single line of rails, two trains, each drawn by two engines, were permitted' to advance in opposite directions : a fearful collision was the necessary eon- seqUence, and et,Teast fur lives were sacrificed.