A' new dramatic - composer has appeared in Italy,,who promises to
de- prive Verdi Of the preeminence he has so long and-to our thinking-so unworthily held: ;The Carnival season at Milan has been, opened with a new opera, IT (Yonr.ito di Baldassare, clielshazzar'S Feast,) the maiden work of a young composer named Buzz'. No piece produced at the Scala for many yens has created such a degree of enthusiasm ; and Madame Clara Novelle, the .prima donna,, appears to have shared in the triumph. This Opera is described as being a return to the pure vocal style of the olden kltalian school, and as tending to promote the reaction in favour of that 1301461 which is said to have already commenced ; the works of Verdi, which have so long held exclusive possession, of the stage initaly, decidedly falling into disfavour. In the production of this piece the old glories of the -Seala would seem to,he revived. The- spectacle is distinguished not only for magnificence, but for taste and research. The groat scene and tableau of the banquet are copied. from Martin's well-knewn picture of Belshozsar's Feast; and. the, decorations are modelled from Layard's Assyrian remains in the British Museum. Such ore the accounts given of this opera and its composer: they lead us to trust that the decay of Italy, though sad, is not hopeless. .