Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, iy le Yeats and Qiuirters ended 5th January 1858 and 1854, showing thy acrease or
Cluatoms Excise Twice Property Tax Post-oflice Crown _Lands Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue ..... 1mprest and other Monies RepaymenttetAdvances . • , , • Customs Stamps Taxes Px0PertY Tax Post-on:lee
3?ii4c,ovrne,u040. Len‘Qua
Total Ordinary-Revenue Imprest and,other Monies Repayments el Artvaiice£ Total Income Deduct Increase . _ Decreaseon the Quarter 3432;566
1853. 1854. , .
ineporsa. se.
1,016,029 1,419 /373 468238. 571,600 '84,000 .55,1,08
• 4,444476 Li '4054.,476 - .5439,90, ' 1 452 690
335, 111 80, 114
96,851, 1.13,975
63,365 644 at,960,178 _ 142,938 ' '491;998 ' 11,668403
"'am, .'63,000
:.1t./4!535. " Is01,--Trar
12,603,11.1 12,310,060 199,539 492,590 199 , ,535
• -•••;-•e-s•-s- -
883,091 _
Income and Charge of the Cousolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th January. lso s and 1851.
Cseitoeis EICise Ste - Three Property Tax Post-oftice Crgam.t4inds MisZellaneotia Impreat and other Monies Prodete of the.Sale Art old. Stores, Sc ItepaYMents of Advances To Cash brought to this Account from saxingu on the Consolidated Fund To Cash brought to this Account and applied to pay oil lk ficioncy hills
raeswentr or racoon to Taeet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund
, ;
QVA.B.TC119 FilifOXD 50.
4.24osix • 1853. 1834.
4,590,154- 3,549,561. 1,615,029 1,419,843- 468,238 272,000' 00,009. 32 008 31072 111,867 497,994
4,466,6(5 3,436,108, 1,539,028' 1,401,690
tgg- 80,Goo
26,121 183,564 56,912 361,707 12,131,747 ^T. 12,30,555 NAN 200,504 12,131,757 12,637,827 1,187,641 13,825,468
1853. 1854.
Permanent Debt • £5437,668
£6,736482 Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills, issued. to meet the charge on the
• 516'226
678,845 Consolidated Fund - 482 Sinking Fund 476,085 511,865 CIvil List 99,413 99,710 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund 327,901 324,779 For Advances 499,378 226,123 For paying off non-commuters of certain Stocks - 6,048,758 Total Charge 7,716,669
Surplus 4,915,078
12,631,747 13,825,468 The amount of ExchequerIBMs issued to meet the charge on the
Consolidated Fund in the quarter ending Oct. 10, 1833, after deducting 890,0001. redeemed by Sinking Fund
1,334,183 The amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th January 1854, in part of the sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated
Fund for Supply Services
1,189470 Deficiency Consolidated Fund
1,187,841 The probable amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund on the 6th January 1854
3,711,200 Total Income
D.edtic1 Pec,I53-0e Dilizelia0 ounce-Year
YEARS ENDED 5th JAN VAIli 1853. ' 185s. • Ittcrease. Dee. vase.
15,685,382 13,556,981 6,287,261 3,377,818 5,509,637 1,022,000 340,000 293,729
E •
13,629;103 8400,988, ' 3463,888 5,560,196 1,104,000 402,889 176,375 . . 282,541 212,122 213,727 50,569 82,000 141888 223,975 117,354 48,802,823 634.566 1,031;297 50,405.041 879;089'
• 1,=78 56855]
341,329 50,169,193 515781,116 1817;251 341,329 341,329 1,315,825